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me and owen where debriefing his game, well more like him telling me everything that happened since i didn't get a single thing.

"and you see that thing i did at the end? that was a touchdown" he finished off making me nod in 'understanding'.

"you still don't get it do you" he inquired making me immediately shake my head as he laughed loudly.

"where are we going owen" i questioned him for the 100th time but he was just ignoring me.

"baby, it's a surprise just wait for a few more minutes okay" he asked as he placed his large hands over my exposed thighs.

it was around 7pm at night right now, after the game owen drove us back to the hotel and told me to wear a bathing suit.

i chose a gold triangular bikini and he was wearing some navy blue swim shorts.

i wore some black jean shorts as my cover out though they didn't really cover much.

i don't know how long i had been day dreaming but the car suddenly stopped, making me look around to see we where on a beach.

"owen ik you didn't bring me to a fucking beach at night, are you crazy? shark infested waters exist you know" i rambled making him let out a loud short laugh.

"shut up ivy and wait" he said before turning off the engine and exiting the car, he walked over to my door and opened it for me.

i stepped out and he intertwined our hands together before leading me down the sandy path.

we walked down for a bit and what i saw made me let out a loud gasp.

it was a beautiful picnic blanket with so much food on it.

i looked up at owen to see him already looking at me.

"owen" i breathed his name out.

"owen" i repeated his name again, tears welling up in my eyes.

"owen" i said more clearly before looking up at him, fully crying now.

"awh baby don't cry, do you not like it" he looked so nervous and sad it made me cry more.

"not like it? are you joking i love it" i said before jumping on his tall muscular frame.

i huffed him tightly as we rubbed my back up at down.

"im so glad you like it baby, nova, jacob and ron helped me do this" he stated making me smile and think of our amazing friends.

"i love this owen, so so much omg. when did you get so soppy" i joked making him push me off him as he laughed.

"let's eat yeah" he said making me nod, and that's we did.

we ate,fed each other and talked about everything and anything.

out of all the dates we had been on this was and is definitely my favourite one so far.

once we where done owen suggested we go into the water which i obviously said yeah too.

everything tonight was so slow, romantic, peaceful.

we swam around for a bit before getting out since owen said he felt like his dick was about to fall off.

we where packing up the picnic stuff when suddenly it started pouring it down.

"Owen" i said nervously knowing how easily i get sick.

"it's okay baby put on my hoodie and run to the car yeah? i'll finish packing this all up" he said before pecking my lips.

i did as i was told and quickly ran to the car, as i was about to enter i turned around and saw the beautiful scenery in front of me.

yes it was still chucking it down, but the sun was setting making the skies purple and pink.

i don't know how long i had been standing there but suddenly i heard heavy wet footsteps heading my way making me look up to see Owen.

his shirt stuck to him like second skin showing off his amazing six pack and biceps.

"baby what are you doing, you're going to get sick" he said as he got closer to me, thought i wasn't really paying attention to anything he was saying.

"let's dance" i said suddenly, meeting his questioning gaze.

"dance?" he looked at me as though i had two heads making me let out an obnoxious laugh.

"yes dance Owen, let's dance please" i said eagerly getting more excited at the idea of doing a very cliche thing with my boyfriend.

"baby i don't thi-" but he didn't get to finish his sentence as i took his hand in mine, making him drop the basket to when wet pavement and pulled him towards the middle of the parking lot.


i imagined a particular song playing in my head as i raised both my hands for him to twirl me.

i then put my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

we moved slowly to a non existent song but its like in that moment neither of us seemed to care.

we didn't care how stupid and crazy we probably looked, and we definitely didn't care about how we would most definitely be getting sick.

we just looked into each others eyes with so much admiration, understanding and... love.

"ivy i've got to tell you something" Owen suddenly said making me snap out of my trance.

"what is it" i questioned while tilting my head.

he let a small smile slip onto his lips and looked at me as though i was the only thing in this whole universe that meant the world to him.

"i love you, i love you so fucking much ivy. more than anything i've ever loved before" he said while still looking at me with a small smile on his lips.

and just like that, my whole world flipped. he loves me? oh my God he loves me.

i didn't know whether to be happy or nervous, it was definitely more the former though.

thinking back on it i really wish he had never uttered those words,he ruined everything for me.

i hate you Owen.


foreshadowing?? no!! never.

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