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we had been at this club for ages and to be quite honest this is the first time like ever i've wanted to go home early from a night out.

all i wanted to do right now was cuddle up with owen in my bed while we watch Netflix.

but we couldn't because nova would through a fit anytime i even suggested me and Owen leaving early.

so here i was, shaking ass on maia for the 3rd time tonight.

there where people looking at us in admiration, jealously , lust all that shit. but the only eyes i cared about where those certain blue ones staring into my soul.

clearly the alcohol was getting to me because i don't know what possessed me to walk up to an intoxicated Owen and tease him.

i was definitely on something because the next thing i know, he had dragged me to a corner and latched his mouth onto my neck. sucking and biting on my skin, obviously leaving marks behind.

i pushed him away from me, disrupting his assault on my neck just to aggravate him and my plan backfired on me because his eyes darkened, a possessive glint in them.

"you really are testing me tonight ivy" he whispered, his voice dripping with dominance.

just his gaze set my body on fire,he's always had this affect on me even when we where younger but now... now it feels so much more like if he doesn't touch me now ill die.

he wrapped his hand around my waist and pressed me against the wall as he lowers his mouth onto mine. the fire behind the kiss, his tongue moving around my mouth savouring my taste,commanding my body to mold into his makes me clit throb for release.

owen's hands moves frantically back between my thighs and splits my legs open.his finger slip inside my Lacey thong over the short skirt i'm wearing,running again my folds.

"Owen" i can't help but whimper at the feeling of his fingers on me.

"say my name again" he orders and i comply, moaning his name this time.his fingers rub over my clit teasingly,not helping this ache at all.

without warning, he drives his finger inside me earning a gasp. i can feel the tip of his fingers before they slide in and out.hes pressing the area that makes pleasure travel all over my body before it rests in the pit of my stomach.

i can barely control the noises coming out of my throat,Owen brings out something in me something so primal,the energy bursting between us as he continues to stroke my insides.my wetness coats him and my hand find their way to his broad shoulders holding onto them tightly while he still plunges his fingers into me at a fast pace.

he's still kissing and sucking on my neck making me whole body feel like jelly.

"come for me baby" his low voice sends me over the edge and i do as he commands,releasing all over his fingers, i squeeze my eyes shut as the orgasm racks my body.

"fucking hell Owen" i stutter out as he pulls his fingers out of me before placing them in his mouth, sucking.

thank God for melanin cause if not for it i'd have been blushing so hard.

"you taste so sweet" he confirms with a nod. i couldn't speak, no words would come out of my mouth.

he offered me his hand - the clean one - and said we can leave and he'll text the group chat that we had left.

i silently thanked him before letting him pull me out of the crowded club and into his car.

he started his car and we headed for my place.

best night ever.


idk if i like this but yeah.

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