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After eating the pig-killing rice and sharing the meat, it was officially time to harvest wheat. As a technician in the mushroom factory, Li Qiu not only got 10 centimeters a day, but also got extra centimeters if he participated in the wheat harvest according to his work situation.

Now that the mushroom factory has been put on the right track and no one needs to keep an eye on it all the time, Li Qiu lets the elderly and children working in the mushroom factory go to work if they want to. After all, they are all processing points and no one refuses them. If they can't do other work, they can pick up the wheat ears and wheat that fell on the ground and help boil water to make cooling tea. They can also help maintain farm tools, and the team will give extra points for these.

Li Qiu was assigned to deliver tea and water this time. Water delivery is required during the busy farming season. The water deliverers are usually women who are not very strong and not very good at working. The captain, who is not good at working, did not think twice about letting Li Qiu deliver tea and water.

Li Qiu did not mind that the tea and water delivery was not high. After all, she still got 10 centimeters a day from the mushroom factory, and her salary was not low when she worked. She did not have high requirements, as long as she could support herself. Even if there were supplies, subsidies and stored food, she had to work.

Li Qiu was unlucky this time. The person assigned to deliver water with her was actually Shi Xiaolian. However, Shi Xiaolian was obviously hit by her before. She was very tactful and didn't come over. When she looked at Li Qiu occasionally, she looked at her as if she was someone who was not easy to mess with. She avoided her.

Li Qiu touched her nose and felt relieved. She was also annoyed by this kind of black-hearted little white flower. If Shi Xiaolian was really as innocent as she showed, the heroine wouldn't have suffered so much at her hands. She felt that she was not an expert in palace fighting, and she was also a weakling in fighting. She should stay away from such a scheming person.

But why did she always run into this scheming little white lotus? Could it be that she was going to become a master of identifying bitches? Li Qiu rubbed his hands and then carried two buckets of cooling tea to the field.

The cooling tea was warm. Not everyone wanted to drink warm water at this time, so the team also prepared boiled water for cooling, which had been hung in the well. However, in this weather, even if it was cool, it would be hot after being exposed to the sun for a while. Now the educated youths' home no longer boiled water for washing, but dried water. In the morning, the water was prepared and dried in the sun for a day, and it could be used when returning home in the evening.

Li Qiu also followed the local customs and found that although the dried water was not as hot as the boiled water, it could be used and saved firewood. In order not to expose the fact that he did not take a bath outside, Li Qiu still followed a group to dry water every day as usual, and took a bath in the space by himself.

During the wheat harvest, she only needed to deliver and boil water, which was much easier than the educated youth who had to work in the fields, so she was the one who cooked the meals for the educated youths. Her cooking skills were average, and she had no seasonings, so the rice she made was not as delicious as the rice cooked in the small pot, but it was okay.

After Li Qiu finished cooking, she waited for a few minutes for the educated youth to go home. As the saying goes, wheat is ripe in a short time, and the tiger's mouth grabs the food. Wheat harvesting must be done in a hurry, for fear that the wheat will be too ripe and fall to the ground if it is not harvested in time, and for fear of encountering bad weather. Wheat harvesting is different from other things. The team leader is very strict and can't delay at all. At this time, everyone is very tired.

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