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Shi Hongjun came over with a bullock cart and attracted the attention of the team members. After seeing the two educated youths on the cart, they had all kinds of thoughts. Those who thought short-term thought that since they had come now, they would just give them food. Even if they said they would borrow it and pay it back later, they were afraid that they would owe money if they did not do a good job. Those who thought long-term thought about the situation of the educated youths' home. They were afraid that they would not be able to do their work and cause trouble during the autumn harvest. They were also afraid that they would not be like other educated youths and would learn from An Lei to find a girl or boy in the team.

Some were happy too. Maybe the new educated youths could get away with it because they were too big to hold things.

Li Qiu looked at the two people in the car with a heavy and cold look on her face, which surprised Liu Meiling who had been paying attention to her.

She came forward and asked Li Qiu: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Qiu did not hide the fact from her. The heroine in the book rose to power with the reputation of her original body in the team, and with the blessing of a good background, she quickly gained a foothold in the Unity Brigade. This time, she wanted to see how Jiang Jing would perform if she tore off Jiang Jing's hypocritical skin first.

"That's the person who replaced me for 16 years." She spoke in a light voice that was neither too high nor too low, just enough for the educated youth to hear. Immediately, the educated youth looked at Jiang Jing differently.

Liu Meiling frowned: "Didn't they say they were in jail?"

"I don't know either. When I went to the countryside, I heard that their family was sentenced, but I left in a hurry and no one told me about the follow-up, so I don't know much." The letter from the capital said that Jiang Jing's mother later changed her statement and said that Jiang Jing didn't know about the child swap, but Li Qiu knew that her mother wanted to drag Jiang Jing into the water at the beginning, and she didn't know what happened to make her change her statement.

"No matter how she came, I dare not talk to her. I was almost beaten to death by her parents and brother. If I say hello to her now, I am afraid I will not see the sun tomorrow."

The educated youths expressed their understanding. Li Zhiqing was almost beaten to death, and the family of the new educated youth was sentenced to prison because of Li Zhiqing. It can be said that the relationship between Li Zhiqing and the new female educated youth is full of hatred. How can it be hello to each other?

However, in their opinion, even if the new educated youth did not know about the child exchange, she might really blame Li Zhiqing if she lost power.

When the team leader led Xu Yuan and Jiang Jing over, the educated youths took a step back at the same time. Li Qiu didn't expect that her few words would have such a good effect. She realized that it was Zhao Xiaoxiao who had helped her lay the foundation. With Zhao Xiaoxiao's publicity of her story and her own performance in recent times, the educated youths believed her.

The team leader frowned and didn't pay attention to the little movements of the educated youths. The team members who were taking a break also came to see the new educated youths. There are few entertainment programs in the countryside now. A stranger in the team can arouse people's attention, not to mention the arrival of two more educated youths. For a while, they gathered around and whispered.

The captain's eyes fell on the elder brother Jiang Yue of the Youth House, then passed from him to the other educated youth and team members: "Educated youth comrades, team members, these are the two new educated youth in our team, Xu Yuan and Jiang Jing. They will work with us in the future, please applaud and welcome them."

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