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Flashback to the encounter!

Narrator's P.O.V:

You walked down the quiet street full of modern houses. As you walked, you wondered how cool your job would be, meeting new people and experiencing new things. And mainly, the maid outfit.

At least the maid outfit wouldn't be those super racy and sexy ones you found on the internet going viral... At least that's what u thought...

You opened the door hearing the doorbell ring. "Um h-hello?" you mumbled as you stood inside the dark room. "SURPRISEE!" You heard a group of new faces yell as the lights turned on. You jumped back a bit at this sudden noise. 'Oh! Hey guys!" you smiled. The room was quite spacious, with cute tables and chairs that had a fancy table cloth and a vase of different kinds of fake flowers. The lighting was simply those light thingy ma jigs that hang low but high enough for anyone to walk around without hitting their heads. The girls were all smiling at you. Wow, you thought. They are really nice!

"What's this all about?" you asked, embarassed. "A little welcome surprise!" they chimed. "Welcome to our little world!"

After the little surprise was over, Erwin, the manager walked into the room. He was a middle aged man with blonde hair that was in a cute haircut with shaved parts on the side of his head. He smiled warmly at you. "Miss (L/N) right? Nice to meet you," he greeted, holding out a hand. You shook it politely. "Yes, nice to meet you too!" you gleamed back at him. "Now, Hanji and Petra, do you mind showing (F/n) around the cafe?" he smiled. "Suree! (F/n)!!!!!!!!!" Hanji squealed like a child. "Quiet down Hanji, you're scaring her!" A ginger haired girl giggled. You assume that the giggling girl is Petra and the jumping brunette with glasses was Hanji.

"My name is Petra, and this is Hanji. Sorry about Hanji!" she introduced kindly. "Nice to meet you! I'm (F/n), (F/n) (L/n)! Don't worry about Hanji, she's really nice!" you gleamed. "Cool, shall we start on our little tour?" she smirked as you saw Hanji kind of jumping up and down. "Yup!" you replied.

~Timeskip after the little tour and lesson around the kitchen and cafe~

"Thanks for the tour!" you thanked Petra and Hanji. "No probs (F/n)! Anything for ma friend!" she said, placing her arm around your shoulder. "The shop will open in about 30 minutes, so (F/n) change into this, we will change after we clean up Hanji's little mess she made," Petra glared at Hanji. "EEeeek! I'm soorry ok! Geez, I only spilt some cream that's all!" she whined like a baby. Previously, when Petra was showing you how to operate the cream machine, Hanji spilt some cream because she was flinging her arms everywhere. "Oh! I can help!" you offered, but Petra simply shaked her head and said, "Don't worry about it! You just go and change, the changing rooms are just on the left," she pointed out. 'Thanks!" And with that, Petra handed you a bag with a black and white coloured dress thingy ma bobby inside. You swiftly walked into one of the cubicles. Before you entered, you heard Hanji squealing out something. "I can't WAIT till (F/n) comes out! She's soo cuttee!!" "Yeah!!! HANJI!!!" Petra gleamed giving her a high five. "Uhhhh," You mumbled to yourself.

You stepped in the cubicle and pulled out a soft dress. It looked so cute, and it was your size. It looked like maid cosplay but very good quality. You blushed and thought, "They wear this all the time? I'm surprised no guys tried to eat them up!" you laughed silently. Just as you put on the dress, you put on the long cute boots that went with the costume you stepped out. You left your silky hair dangling out and walked to your co-workers. "S-so, how d-do I l-l-look?" you stuttered blushing. "OMFG (F/N)!! YOU LOOK SO FREEKKIN CUTE!!" The girls squealed as Hanji glomped on you rubbing your head. "OOH Who's a cute (F/n)? You are!" she babied you but it made you laugh.

~Time skip to the 11:00 Am, lunch time!~

"Welcome back master!" you welcomed the customer. The customer blushed as you showed him/her the seats. "What would you like today?" you smiled warmly at the blushing person. "I-I'll have the omelette rice today (F/n)-chan!" You nodded as you wrote down the order. "Anything else master?" you asked. He shook his head. You walked back to the kitchen counter and placed the order on the pinning board. "Here ya go!" you smiled at the maids who were in charge of the cooking. "thanks (F/n)!" the cooks smiled back at you. You saw Hanji walk to you as she shook your hands. "Gee (F/n)! You are sure good at this maidy thing!" she drooled as her glasses reflected your cute face. "T-Thanks?" you chuckled.

You heard the doorbell ring. The short looking man with raven hair inspected the cafe. "Tch, I thought you said there were cute maids in this cafe," he complained. "T-there is look!" a brunette with big turquoise eyes pointed at you while you walked gracefully to the conversation. "Welcome back master," you said in a beautiful way to the two boys. "The raven hair boy smirked. "Gee, you never let me down, do you Jaeger?"

As the two boys sat down, you handed them the menu. "Here you go master, take your time," you said.

"Call me Levi," Levi retorted. "O-ok Levi." you said. As you were about to walk back to the maid station to wait for customers, he grasped your arm gently. This sudden action gave you a small pink tint on your cheek. "Give me recommendations," he said calmly, but you saw in his eyes that it was a cunnning little plot. "S-sure mast-Levi..." you agreed. You pointed out the top dishes voted by the customers and he smirked. The brunette just sat back and said, "Oh, Levi, I'll go now, I forgot about something," he grinned. "Fuck you and your beautiful green eyes," you thought loudly in your mind. "I know you are plotting something,"

"I'll take this and this please...." he hesitated for a moment like he forgot the rest of his sentence. He smirked again. God, how you hated that sly perverted look. "Oh yeah, I didn't catch your name back there, what is it?" he asked. "I'm sorry master, but my name is trivial." you declined. "I told you yours, and I'm your master. What is your name?" he retorted. "(F-F/n)," you answered. "I see, what a cute name for a cute little maid," he grinned. "So, I'll be taking this and this, (F/n)-chan," he whispered into your ear, so close you could feel his breath. "Y-yes maste-er, Levi!" You nodded and quickly dashed to the kitchen with your flace blushing hard. "What the actual fridge is wrong with that pedo??" you thought to yourself.

When the order was prepared, it took a few minutes longer than usual... You carried the food on a round tray and headed to P̶e̶r̶v̶e̶r̶t̶ Ahhem, Levi's table and placed the food in fron tof him. "Sorry for the wait, enjoy your food." you nodded and turned around to head back. Without you noticing, he reached out his hand and lifted up your dress. Time stopped. Petra squealed and Hanji took a million pics as she drooled. "H-hey!" you shouted swattin ghis hand away. "That is innapropriate master!" you blushed at him but had an angry face at the same time. "I told you to call me Levi, and that was punishment for bringing the food late," he smirked slyly. You growled.

You walked back to the maid station when you saw the cooks snickering. You realised they did it on purpose. "Hey! That's not funny!" you snarled at them blushing at the same time. Ppfftt! Did you see the look on your face (F/n)?? they giggled. "Whatever!" you turned away and saw Petra holding her hands on her blushing fangirling face. "Kyaaaa (F/n)! That was boooootyful!" she squealed. "H-huh? Not you too Petra!" you blushed. "Hehehehe (F/n) Lookie lookie!" Hanji said. She held out her phone with like at least 50 amazing shots of what happened. "I'm gonna post them! I already posted on and it already has 20 likes in the past 30 seconds!" she drooled. "S-stop itt!!" you snatched the phone away and read the comments. "OMG that guy is so perverted!! XD it looks like those fanart things where the maid is always blushing!!" you nearly died when you saw that. "Hope they start dating!! :P" another comment read. "Like that's gonna happen!" You screamed while blushing. "Wanna bet (F/n)?" Petra and Hanji glared at you with a sparkle that sparked at the same time. Was that your imagination??? "You bett you poo heads!" You laughed when you noticed Levi staring at you and smirking. Your head exploded. "He sure likes you doesn't he (F/n)??" Hanji squealed. "NOW GO GET HIM (F/N)!!!!!!" Hanji and petra pushed you violently. 'W-wait! Kyaaa!" you yelped as you accidently smashed into Levi while he was walking out.

You accidently pushed him down onto the ground. You blushed as red as a tomato. You heard clicks and flashing from Hanji's phone. "Fuck. This day can't get any worse," you thought while blushing gritting your teeth. "I'm s-so sorry Levi!!" you apologised. "Oh, (F/n)-chan. I never knew you love me so much!~" he smirked at you and twirled your silky hair. You blushed. "S-sooweeeee!!" you tried to get up but he pulled you back down so close to his face. "Bad maids like you deserve punishment," he whispered to your ear as you blushed. "N-no!!" you yelled as Hanji just recieved 23 followers and tonnes of likes and comments. "OMG! That maid is so getting it goiinggg welll!!" someone commented. "OOOOOooooohhh! Post more of this cutie getting hit on by that sexy dude at work!! XD" "This day can get even more worse!!" you yelled.

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