Chapter four

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Reader's P.O.V:

I walked through the halls finding my classroom. I strolled in casually and plopped down onto my seat as I waited for Mikasa. I started to think about the events that happened yesterday. I felt blood rush up to my cheeks. Maybe I should stop imagining Levi's abs now. I wonder what's taking so long... Did I arrive early?

I looked up onto the white clock over the board. One minute left.

I sat back at my seat, but I didn't have to wait too long for the bell to ring. A few seconds later, the bell literally screamed into my ear snapping me out of my day dream. Students started to come in, and Mikasa was spotted. 

"Mika!" I waved. She smiled. "Hi (F/N). I have something important to ask you." she said.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"What happened yesterday? I saw the shorty walk into the kitchen. After that you ran out of the cafe screaming," she said. 

"Shooot! Um. About that..." I whispered. I took a big breath and screamed out, "I SAW HIS ******* ABS! He stripped right in front of me!" I felt good after saying that. 

Mikasa grew dull and a big glare plastered her face. "Eeek!" I squeaked, feeling her eyes stare into my soul looking for any lies.

"What? He effing stripped? S-stripped? What the actual hell is wrong with the short stack!?" she fumed, clenching her fists. 

"Mikasa.... I'm not sure. Maybe he is a secret pedophile," I laughed.

"Not maybe. He is," she deadpanned.

*** Time skip to middle of class ***

Normal P.O.V:

"What would the world be like if Adolf Hitler never existed?"  You were searching your brain for answers when you felt something light hit your back. You ignored it and continued thinking, when you felt it again. You decided to ignore it again, but 2 more came in. You hastily turned around in frustration to see 4 scrunched up paper balls. "What are these? Is someone passing notes to me?" you thought as you unraveled the first paper ball.

"Sup," You narrowed you eyes and bit back a snort. You reached for the second and opened it.

"Look up don't ignore me" You sighed and asked yourself who it could be.

"Do you want 2 hang out at lunch"

"Look up plzz"

Your head rose and looked around the room until some kind of movement caught your eye. It was Levi again. You frowned and quickly wrote something back onto the paper and threw it to him.

He opened it and frowned. "No"

*** Time skip to lunch ***

The bell signaled lunch time. You packed your things quickly as you sang to yourself.

"Well, I'm off to lunch, yes I'm in luck! I'm gonna stuff my face and not give a f-"

"Fack! I need to get out of here before Levi finishes packing his things!" you breathed, jumping over the bags onto the floor and running to Mikasa. "Let's go, before Levi finds me," you fretted. 

You dragged her sleeve and jumped onto a bench. "Yay! Lunch time!" you chirped, opening your bento box. "What do you have?" 

"A sandwich," 

"Me too," a voice suddenly began. That dark, voice... It was definitely Levi.

You didn't turn your head and looked desperately at Mikasa. She scowled. You slowly looked over to your side. "Oh my god. Why the hell are you here?" you barked. 

"You didn't come to me so I came to you," he implied. You face palmed and sighed.

"I don't even want to sit with you," you groaned. He fake-whimpered. 

"Wh-why not?" he wept. Your gaze softened at his acting. 

"Well, first off... You're a weirdie,"

"And a pedophile-rapist!" Mikasa snapped, clawing into her bread slice.

"Let me handle this," you mouthed to your angry friend.

You turned to Levi and asked, "Why did you hit on me in the first place?" you questioned. 

"Because you are cute," he grinned making you blush. You looked at the ceiling.

"That doesn't mean we can sit with each other for lunch," you said, looking down to eat your rice.

"I'm still not moving my ass," he hummed. 

"Sorry, what was that?" you asked. He leaned over, getting confusion from you.  He bit off the chicken on your fork. 

"H-hey! I was gonna eat that!" You gasped. You gawked at Mikasa when she pulled out a plastic knife from her lunch box. "You son of a gun. Don't try anything," she spat, venom dripping from her words.

Levi put on an innocent look and snaked an arm around your waist. "Why not? She's enjoying this," he cooed, smirking at your flushed face. "A-am not!" you stuttered back. 

"Oh yeah?" The raven haired boy hollered. "Then why are you blushing?" 

"NUUUUUUUU! I'M NOT BLUSHING!" You choked on your food. 

Mr Smith saw the current event and scolded Mikasa, along with her plastic knife. She lost half her lunch from "Violence" and "Threatening looks" she was dragged away but still held a glare at Levi.

"M-Mikasa!" you cried, covering your mouth with your hand. 

"Well, I guess I should of made more friends. This guy is just nuts." you grumbled, holding your head. You tried to remain strong when he hugged you from behind and leaned on your shoulder. 

"Now that she's gone, we can have some fun," he purred into your ear.

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