Chapter eight

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Sasha scurried away as if she was avoiding punishment from what she just said. You sat there dumbfounded with a lot of mixed emotions inside of you. "... S-Sasha. I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT!!" You whisper-shouted, anger clearly in your voice.

She turned around, with a little fear in her eyes. "S-sorry (F/N)! I never knew you despised this idea so much! We can't find any other members, and it's too late to cancel now!" she whispered back.

You widened your eyes in regret. "No! This can't be possible! Why is karma so mean to me!?" you hissed and punched the table with force but no sound so that you wouldn't attract attention. You were feeling so upset right now since you were basically forced into a nightmarish situation, and also that you kept the anger inside of you.

* Time skip *

After an hour of hell inside of you, Mikasa confronted you, confused of what made you so angry all of a sudden.

"(F/N), what's wrong? You look... tense," she said calmly. You kept breathing heavily and looked dead into her eye.

"I'll tell you what happened, well, there is no situation that can get worse than this shit." you said quietly. "Hehe.... HAHAHAHAHAHA!" you laughed loudly, with a hint of insanity in it.

She widened her eyes and gripped your shoulders to try and calm you down.

"Get a grip of yourself (F/N)! And tell me what on earth happened to make you like this?" she rose her voice a little.

You relaxed by the slightest bit and huskily said, "D-do you know how I was signed up by Sasha to work in a s-stall?" She nodded, unaware of what was so bad about it.

"And? What's the problem with that?" she asked. You frowned and tensed up again. "The problem isn't that I was signed up, but what it's about! It's a freaking maid cafe! A maid cafe where you dress up and shit! And guess what? There will be someone out to get me!" You abruptly said.

There was silence for a few seconds until Mikasa finally spoke.

"... There isn't any other spots right?" she asked with some hope on her face.

You sighed and smiled sheepishly. "Nope, all booked," you huffed, draining the hope away.

She cringed and pulled you into a hug. "I feel so so so sorry for you!" she muttered sorrowfully.

"I know, I feel sorry for me too." you wailed back. "I'm not sure what to do..."

*Time skip*

You ran home after the last bell rang avoiding Levi's presence. You need to have some time to think over the shit you just got dragged into.

You walked into your room, dunked your bag onto the floor and collapsed onto the bed. You screamed loudly into the blanket to release the anger you were holding in.

"Shitt! Why does this have to happen to me!??" you cried. You didn't move from the position you were in because you didn't feel like the need to after what happened.

Your moment was ruined when your phone buzzed from 2 texts. Annoyed, you rolled onto your back and lazily reached for your phone in your bag. You rummaged through your bag to find your phone.

You entered the pass code and opened messages.

One was from Levi and one was from... Sasha. You chose to read Levi's first since you didn't want to get any more frustrated from anything related to maids right now.

"Oi, I didn't get to talk to you after history. Do that again and I will personally drive to your house." you narrowed your eyes and thought, "Humph. I don't really like you right now. Stupid Levi. You even sound like Levi in your texts. Noob."

You closed that and clicked on Sasha's text.

"Hey (F/N)! So here are some information about the stall we are working on. We are planning to make the theme gothic but cute, and we also have the maid outfits ready. We will be starting set up tomorrow, so make sure you bring any food/drink recipes for the cafe and yourself!"

You groaned at every word you read. But then you kind of lightened up when you saw food/drink recipes. You knew exactly what you were going to bring in, so, eh, it might be not as bad as you thought it were to be, but still that didn't mean you liked it.

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