Chapter one

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Suggested by XxShyHoodedWolfxX and DatSmexySasha

Normal P.O.V:

"Oh my god. I can't believe that jerk! He's such a perv! And even in front of all those people! Tch. I hope I don't see him again!" You mentally cursed, stomping back home. "But I will tell this to Mikasa, or maybe not, she might stalk me and kill that guy... Levi? Was it Levi? Wait, I don't want to remember!" As you were talking inside your mind, you realized you already arrived home. "I gotta wash up, there's school tomorrow."


You opened your phone and began texting Mikasa.

You: Hey Mika! You know how I work at the maid cafe?

A few seconds after the message was sent, Mikasa read it. I guess she loves her phone.

Mikasa: Yeah, what about it?

You: Look at Hanji's instagram.

Those words you typed reminded you of the horror of the pictures. You didn't want to look at them yourself.

Mikasa: ... Who's that girl, and that short dude on top of her?

You: That guy's name is Levi.

Mikasa: Okay, but who's the girl? And how did you know who that guy was?

You: Because I am the girl. MIND BLOWN

You didn't receive a reply as fast though, probably Mikasa was in a state of terror.

Mikasa: I couldn't tell it was you because you were in that cute dress :> And moreover... WHAT HAPPENED!?

You: He was flirting with me goddamn


Mikasa overprotective mode activated.

You: Lol, okay, but we might not see him again, not that I want to

Mikasa: In any states of unlikeliness of him going back to the cafe or even worse, he might go to our school... But I'm sure he doesn't

You: Let's just hope for the best LOL

Mikasa: Why you so happy? He might *********************

You: Oh my god Mikasa calm down, language young lady! I GTG now

Mikasa: KK


The next day, when you were spreading some butter on a piece of toast, someone knocked on the door. You shoved the toast in your mouth and grabbed your bag. "Goof mornrn Migasa," you muffled into your toast. Mikasa wrinkled her nose. "Good morning (F/N), let's go to school already, we don't have much time." with that, you ran into the anime toast cliche, running to school with Mikasa.


After munching on the last bits of your toast as you sat down at your seat, Mikasa reached over to you and wiped your mouth. "Mikasa! What was that?" you asked in embarrassment. Mikasa's face looked like she didn't do anything wrong. "There were some crumbs on your face," She replied. "Just tell me okay, I'm not a baby!" You pouted. She smiled and sat back at her seat. A tall man walked in straight after. He had messy hair that you could call long. He placed a big folder onto the desk that caught everyone's attention. "Alright class, settle down. Today, there is a new student, and he will be studying with you from now on. Please come in," Mr Zacharius gestured towards the door. "Who is it?" people murmured.

A boy of about 5"3" with raven hair walked in. You were a bit slow to react, but a millisecond after he walked in, you gawked at the sight. He looked just like the pervert at the cafe. Was it him? Or was it just your imagination? You felt a small nudge on your shoulder. You turned around to see Mikasa with a tense look. You nodded, with her nodding back. In you and Mikasa's language, that meant you both were thinking the same thing. When you turned back to the front you saw him look over to you. "Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit Oh my god he's looking at me," Some other girls were staring in awe, and I swear some were even drooling. But that wasn't what you and Mikasa were doing. You stared in disgust while Mikasa just glared.

"Alright, please introduce yourself to the class." Mr Zacahrius said. He took a step forward and coolly replied, "It's Levi."

Your mouth just opened wider and Mikasa's glare deepened. Inside, you were swearing your head off, while Mikasa was plotting somethings. "Let's see if there are any spare seats, ah, please sit next to (L/N)-san over there," he pointed right at you. You were having a total mental break down. But a smart idea popped into your head. "Mr Zacharius only mentioned my last name, so maybe if I lie that my name isn't (F/N) then maybe... Maybe he won't try anything!" You thought as you remembered you telling Levi your name back at the cafe.

He walked over to you, examining your appearance, but you covered your face with some books.

Mikasa's P.O.V:

That chibi! How dare he touch (F/N) like that! Oh crap. He's sitting next to (F/N)! I hope she fins some ideas to avoid that asshat! I saw (F/N) place some books in front of her as Levi sat down. Good idea!

Reader's P.O.V:

I couldn't shake the feeling off of me that someone was looking at me. I'm guessing it's Levi :\

I continued to focus in class while covering my face. Thank goodness Mikasa helped me out a little to cover my true id. When the bell rang, Mikasa walked in front of Levi as I packed up my things. This way, Levi wouldn't be able to see my face without being awkward. "Oi. Don't stand in front of me," A cold voice said. That didn't falter Mikasa's duty. "Why? Is it because you're too short?" Mikasa shot back. That shut Levi up. 

He walked out of the classroom towards the cafeteria. "(F/N), he's gone," Mikasa whispered. I sat right back up and sighed. "Phew! That was a good one Mikasa!" you said. "Let's go eat some lunch and talk this over," Mikasa suggested. 


You ate your sandwich as Mikasa drew out what looked like a blue print on a piece of paper. "Uh, Mikasa, what are you drawing?" you asked, looking over to the artwork. "A plan to kill that chibi,"

"NO! NO VIOLENCE," you denied.

"Dammit (F/N), you're no fun," she teased. "Then what do we do?" 

"Hmm... Let's just hide my ID, my face can wait... The teachers never call you by your first name anyway," you stated. "And also avoid him at all costs. If there's like any partner work, or anything that may involve people, you have to be there before him,"

She nodded. "Okay, good plan. Where is he anyway?"

Loud cheers and squeals were heard, what sounded like fangirls.

You looked over to see a big group of girls surrounding... Levi. Speaking about the devil.

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