Chapter eleven

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You just finished putting on your outfit and decided to check yourself out in a mirror, so you walked out without thinking. You opened the door hearing it creak, which gathered the attention of everyone else.

As soon as you saw eyes looking at you and squealing fills the room, you knew you made a mistake.

You retreated back into the room with a slam on the door.

"Shitshitshitshitshitshit!" you hissed, slapping a hand onto your mouth in embarrassment. You looked around frantically until you heard silence.

"Phew. I think they went back to what they were doing n-"


You gasp, holding against the door in fright.

"(F/N)! GET OUT OF THERE! I NEED TO SEE YOU!!" They scream, well the loudest is Sasha and Mina.

"NOOOOOO!" You scream back.

"NO! I'M GOING TO OPEN THIS DOOR NOW (F/N), I HAVE A KEY!" Sasha screams over the pounding. You push against the door harder, hoping they wouldn't push open the door after they unlock it, which was pretty stupid to think of, (F/N). There is like more than 4 girls pushing the door.

You turned your head to the opening of the door hoping that it wouldn't move. It moved.

You saw skin and arms and clothes and stuff from the outside through the small creak that was altering in size, due to the pushing. "F***!" you scream. It didn't take long for you to lose to the strength of several people, so they saw you in your racy outfit.

Most of them screamed and squealed, while Sasha pretended to faint.

"You look gorgeous (F/N)!" Mina rants. YOu shake your head vigorously and cover your face. Annie takes them off and helps you to stand, since you kind of fell to the ground after they pushed the door open. (Haha, so cliche (F/N).)

"T-thanks," you stutter, still covering your face. Annie smirks and leads you to the rest.

"So, Mina, mind changing you words?" Annie asks. Mina grins and nods. She looks at you up and down.

"Sorry (F/N), there was a typo. You look utterly sexy and beautiful!" she squeals before hugging you.

You blush violently. "AAHH!"

She pulls away and laughs. "Looks like the cafe is gonna be a hit!"

*Time skip to the day*

You slammed the alarm clock and sat up on your bed. "Ugh.... Why do I feel so tense right now? .... Oh wait, TODAY IS THE DAY! SHIT!" You raise your voice at the last part. "Crap, I'm excited to die!"

You fall out of your bed with a huge thump but recovered quickly and got up. You ran to the closet and took only a split second to see your outfit hanging there with a bag for the accessories. You stuffed it into your bag along with your other school needs.

You were tying your hair into a ponytail but realized that you didn't need to, Mina told you to leave it out. You didn't really know why, maybe you looked better that way? I don't know. (JOKES! You do look better with your beautiful hair down, how can I not know? I'm the author for walls sake. Haha got you there)

You combed your hair neatly and scurried out to the door. Your mum was sitting at the dining table reading a newspaper. She had glasses on for some reason.

"(F/N)? Good morning. Why don't you eat breakfast?" She lazily says. You were outside the door already, but the door didn't close. Yet.

"Sorry mum, ain't nobody got time for that! Bye!" you wave, just in time before the door closes. You grin. "Nice timing!"

You ran to school, while your mum continued to read the newspaper.

"Okay then. (F/N) usually eats breakfast. Wonder what happened to her?" she wonders. She continues to read the newspaper. "Hmm... Young male high schooler molests worker at cafe? Jeez. What's going on in the world lately? Talk about society degrading."

If you are wondering why it was in the news now, sorry, but newspapers can not catch on with the world as fast as Hanji and her instagram!

You entered the school gates to see that all the stalls were up, and the students were performing their finishing touches. Seeing the sight of that pumped you up, so you ran full speed to the art block. 

You ran past many interesting stalls, and it made you feel happy to see that the festival was going to be great- for other people you mean.

You entered the art room to see everything was in its place, everybody was already dressed up, so you pouted.

"Darn, you guys are so fast," you say. They laugh. 

"Nah, it's just that you're slow," Sasha chirps. You roll your eyes sarcastically.

"Yep yep whatever. I'm going to change now~!" you reply, swiveling 180 degrees to the room you had drama in yesterday. Before you shut the door, you heard murmurs and giggling. You turned your head and narrowed your eyes which shut them up. You smile and close the door.

You look around the room to find a large mirror placed inside. "The girls must of placed it in here..." you thought, looking in the mirror seeing your reflection. "It kind of looks disturbing to see your own self change, so Imma just turn this around..." 

You turn the hefty mirror around and began to put on your funeral clothes. Scratch that, maid outfit.

When you finished, you turned the mirror around again to admire yourself.

"Ooh, Damn girl, you look hawt," you say before winking at your own reflection. You giggled to what you just said and walked out.

"Suppp my fellow maids," you say. They smile and giggle at you.

"Eyyyyyy (F/N)! Love your outfit!" Sasha slurs. You grin. 

"Ty," you reply. She takes you by the hand and leads you to the entrance of the cafe.

"Alright, you gotta learn what to do now in the cafe k? So, when peoples walk in, this sign," she points at a 'Please wait to be seated' sign. "Will be where the customers will be standing and twerking around until we have a seat for them. When they sit down like you directed them to, you have to already have a menu in your hands when they order. And yeah, we already got 2 cooks, blah blah blah, and you serve the stuff and do all that shit you are supposed to do," 

You snort at her funny explanation. "Okay Sasha I know. Now when do we start?"

"Hmm. It's like 8:40 right now. FAIR STARTS IN 20 MINUTES PEOPLE!" she shouts to the rest receiving a 'Hai' in return. "Anyways, how do you know all that crap?" she asks.

"Oh! Uhh... I've been to one... So yeah, I know..." you say averting eye contact as you back away from her face. She eyes you with her left eye suspiciously.

"HMMMMMM...... Okay!" she finishes, then backs away. Jeez, she kind of reminds me of Dory from finding Nemo.

You keep smiling sheepishly until she walks away. "Phew! That was close..." you say under your breath.

You began wandering around to the kitchen to see that there were many food items in there. Cream, fruit, rice, all that stuff you find in a cafe. You then walked out to see that there were many table number holder thingies at the front counter. The cafe looked pretty fancy.

You were admiring the cafe until Sasha screams.

"The clock strikes nine! Be prepared!!" 

"Oh no..." your eyes widen in horror, you  just realized again what you signed up for...

"Be prepared!!" Sasha's voice echoes in your head. 

"Am I really prepared?" you ponder.

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