Chapter nine

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It wasn't very much different at school today, except for the fact that it was the day where students started to set up their stalls! You only realised this just in the morning which really lowered your overall mood. You were sulking to yourself at a bench peering at the clock from time to time hoping that God would spare you a few seconds until the bell rang.

"RIIIIIIIINNNGG!!" The bell buzzed, giving you a small heart attack. "Crap, I need to get to, wait which room? Oh yeah, the art room. I am not looking forward to this." you cringed. You stood up and stretched. 

* Time Skip *

You pushed the door open and entered the art block. It smelt a lot of paintings, sculptures and all that what not that was considered arty. You walked over to the main art room, usually for collar lessons. You guessed that was where the cafe was going to be held since there were taps and stoves for all the heating and crap. 

You entered the room hesitantly to face several unfamiliar faces. The only person you knew was the brunette jumping up and down that was responsible for your demise. 

"(F/N)!! You finally made it! We were waiting for you like, forever!" she exaggerated. A few girls around her laughed softly at her exaggeration. "Come come, we have everything planned out!" 

You nodded awkwardly and took a look around the room. No action has taken place yet,  to your delight. You didn't want to see any. You walked up to Sasha and the girls. 

"Hey," you greeted. A girl with black hair put in low pigtails smiled. 

"Hello (F/N)! We are glad that you volunteered to take tribute! We thought that we might have had to abandon this whole cafe idea since there weren't enough people. So thanks a lot!" She stated bubbly. 

"Yep. I totally volunteered..." you scoffed. Thankfully she didn't hear that.

She spread out some blueprints and began explaining everything.

"Okay girls, this is the plan. We are going to do a gothic-like setting, and the outfits over there in the box are ready for you," she pointed at the box with neatly folded fabrics in the corner. "Anyway, so we are planning to replace the current curtains with black with white lace ones. We are also going to darken the room a little so the candelabras will be noticed. Any objections?"

Nobody made a sound.

"Okay then. Does anybody want to suggest anything?" she continued. You stood there, thinking about what they used to do in the cafe. Nope, you were having a major mind blank right now. 

Nobody said anything, as if they were thinking the same things as you. I guess maid cafes are pretty wild after all. 

Mina clapped, breaking the silence. "Alright, let's start on this shall we?"

* Time skip *

After several hours of grueling work, it was nearly lunch time. The cafe was starting to look dark, like those Victorian-styled castles. "Hehe, reminds me of black butler somehow..." you laughed to yourself.

The kitchen was looking pretty good, but it wasn't like any customers were going to see it. Let's just say it was well hidden. The curtains turned out better than you thought, since it looked like a cheap piece of fabric in the box. It seems that the cafe turned out way better than you thought it would be. 

You smiled as you looked around. You walked over to Mina and congratulated her. "Wow Mina, it looks great! You should totally be an interior designer one day!" 

She blushed a little and muttered a soft thank you. You grin.

The bell rang, which actually made you a little disappointed since you had some fun. "Aww, damn. I'm going to lunch," you said, inching closer to the exit at every word you said.

"Okay! See you!" they said. You were a little confused. 

"Aren't you guys coming to lunch too?" You asked. 

"Nah, we got our lunch here already. We're planning to set it all up by today!" 

You nodded in agreement. "Noice. I'll be expecting to see something cool when I get back then!" 


* Time skip *

You sat down at the lunch table and couldn't stop grinning at what happened. "Aah, that was fun. I can't wait to see the finished product!" You thought. You continued thinking about the multi-cultural fair when Mikasa came. 

She sat down and expected to hear a hello from you. And that didn't happen. Apparently you were still in lala land and wasn't bothered to pay attention to the surroundings. She narrowed her eyes and muttered, "Oi. (F/N)."

A few seconds later you snapped back into reality. "Oh shoot! Hey Mikasa!" You said, sounding a little too surprised. She furrowed her brows.

"Yes. Indeed I am." she replied back. "You were just staring off into space just then. Mind telling me what's on your mind?"

"U-uhh.... Well, I guess I'm just excited for the multi-cultural fair?" you stuttered. 

"I would like for you to elaborate on that," she took out her sandwich and began munching onto it.

You felt beads of sweat inhabit your forehead. "O-oh! You got a sandwich again?" You lamely said. 

"Stop dodging the question. Just tell me," she said. It was very hard to lie to Mikasa. She's kinda like a cop. She can spot lies and everything. You never kept a secret from her either, not that you didn't try to. That was also why you guys were close.

".... I'm excited for the multi-cultural fair because what we're setting up is quite fun," you answered. "And the subject it pretty weird too,"

"And it is?"

"A restaurant kinda thing?" you said, avoiding the specifics. That switched Mikasa on. Restaurant could mean many things to her. Like cafes.

"What kind of restaurant?" an intense glint showed in her eyes which creeped you out a lot. 

"A-a c-cafe! A maid one..." you gave in. You twiddled your fingers feeling like just admitting something bad to a mum.

"A what? MAID CAFE!?" She shrieked. Your heart skipped when she suddenly rose her voice. 

"Mikasa, quieten down, we're getting attention," you whispered, looking at the faces that turned to you two. Her look didn't falter. "I don't care, that's just ridiculous. You seriously have karma or something." she commented. "Maid cafes... You're like stuck in that forever,"

"Who's stuck in maid cafes?" A deep voice interrupts the convo. 

You and Mikasa stares at the least wanted person in the conversation.

 "Shiz... Levi's here," you hissed.

He smirks. "So, what's this maid cafe you two were going on about?

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