Chapter two

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Warning: Some cuss words down there, also because Levi doesn't give a flying fritter 

"Kyaa! Levi!" 

Reader's P.O.V:

That was the name that I was just pondering about. Those squeals, must be the girls in my grade :\ I wonder what else will happen today with that shorty.

"Damn, it's Levi," I huffed, looking at my over-protective bestie. I swear I heard her clench her fists. "I'm gonna kill that son of a..." 

"Mikasa! Calm yo tits nobody is killing anyone, let's just see for now," you said, calming her down a bit. 

As you both watched the sea of girls, you heard some whispers from some boys nearby. "Hey you know that guy? He's getting all the girls. No fair," a voice muffled. You cupped your ears to eavesdrop at the interesting conversation. "I know right. He's not even a good person, I heard he was some delinquent who nearly raped a waitress," another voice snickered. My heart skipped a beat when the word "waitress" came out of his mouth. Do people know about this incident? Hanji, if it's your fault, you'll be dead meat.

I gulped, swallowing my fear. "M-Mikasa, what do we do now?" I scratched my head, feeling a bit uneasy. "We'll confront him," she calmly stated, dragging me up afterwards. "Let's go,"

Before I could protest, her strong force sent me speed walking to the ruckus. "W-wait! Mikasa! What if he says anything b-bad?" I stuttered, emphasizing the bad. She smiled. "Don't worry, I beat that short piece of sh** to pulp if he tries anything," she reassured. Typical Mikasa. She stood in front of the charmer. "Oi Levi, I heard you did some pretty invasive shit to (F/N), isn't that right?" Mikasa glared at the boy. Levi looked at you up and down, his lips curling into a smirk. "Ah, if it isn't (F/N)..... chan. Girls started murmuring at his strange behavior. I didn't know how to react, but simply stood there like an idiot. "S-S-shut u-p! You p-perv!" I weakly shouted. Mikasa gripped my hand tight. "That's right. If you try anything I promise those girls won't see your pretty face anymore." she growled.

"Stop being so rude to Levi!" A girl shouted. "Yeah! How dare you disrespect Levi-sama!" Another voice screamed. This didn't intimidate Mikasa not one bit, only agitating her more. Her glare deepened, not only for Levi but for the others. "What's with Levi-sama? He is even ruder, that punk-ass perv nearly raped (F/N)!" she shouted. "W-wait Mikasa! He didn't technically rape me but yeah...." you defended Levi. "But did he touch you without your consent?" she asked. "N-" She widened her eyes once again, cutting me off. "You see? He's just a r****!" she yelled. 

The angry mob of people started to turn into disgust. The girls dissipated and all that was left standing was Levi. "Levi, sorry for embarrassing you.  I apol-" 

"What are you apologizing for? I should be thanking you, after getting those brats to f*ck off, you did me a favor," he replied. "E-eh?" Was all I managed to say. "... Then, were equal, so just leave me alone, okay?" you rose your voice. You turned around, walking back to class dragging Mikasa along with you. 

I doubt that I will leave you alone, (F/N)-chan. 

Time skip to after school brought to you by Levi's pants

"Mikasa! You don't have to come with me to the cafe! It'll be fine!" I pouted, blowing the hair in my face. "But! What if he shows up again?" she retorted. "Like as if! You don't have to Mikasaaaa!" I whined. I actually think he will come, but Mikasa is definitely going to do something bad. That's why I don't want her to come. "You don't want me to come because I'll beat him up right?" she sighed, looking down. "Y-yeah Mikasa, I'm sorry okay, thanks for the offer, but no thanks," you half smiled. (Insert Marco joke here) "Fine, I'll do whatever'll make you happy," she said. "Thanks Mika!" you glomped.

Mikasa's P.O.V:

I really want to go though, but whatever makes her happy, I'm happy. But. I feel some sick feeling inside me. Is it a feeling that something will go on or is it my OCD welling up inside of me? I actually should go- whether if (F/N) will notice or not... I'll just go and get a coffee or something. It's not like (F/N) can force me out. That's it! That's what I'll do!!


"Welcome back master," I bowed to a few customers by the door. "This way please," I gestured my hand to lead the customers to a table. I got a chill down my spine even from glancing at the group for a split second. I stood there impatiently waiting for them to order. That was when the door opened, revealing a raven haired... Was it a girl or a guy? I'm not sure. Whatever gender he/she was, he/she looked a lot like Mikasa. Maybe it's just me. I walked up to the person and stared into the shades. "Welcome... Master, please follow me," I said. 

When he/she sat down, the group of customers that I was serving waved at me. "I would like..... "You" and the "Booty" special," the man smirks, pointing at me. This guy... Not better than the last. I kept my cool, feeling the sweat drizzling down my head. "I'm sorry master, there is no "You" or "Booty" on the menu. Please look carefully," I said, bowing once again. As my head was down, I had a mixture of feelings of someone staring at us and a man staring at my ass. I slowly rose to feel contact on my chin. 

"Kill me now," I thought to myself, mentally jumping off a cliff.

The man stared me into the eye. "Come one now, We all know what I mean," he grinned. 

"Oi oi, what do you think you are doing to our maid?" A brunette with glasses showed up, giving the man a dark glare, words dripping with hate. "H-Hanji-san! I'm very sorry for the inconvenience having for you to come!" I bowed. "No no, it's alright. Let me deal with these... Mongrels." she replied, scowling at the gang. I nodded and quickly scooted away to the other side of the room. "Shit." I thought, tripping on my heels to fall on something soft, what felt like someone's thighs. Before saying anything else, "I'm very sorry, are you hur-"

Karma's a bitch. 

Two grey eyes looked down at me, as I felt a blush dominate my face. "L-LEVI!?" I screamed, covering my mouth. "Yo." he replied. 


HAHAHA CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until next time my friends, you are still on Levi's lap... Hehehe.

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