Chapter twenty-one

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Just a little reminder: (N/N) means nickname :)

Oh and btw, there will be inappropriate language and a lime up ahead... Read at your own risk! We all know Levi has a potty mouth and he is beginning to have that weird feeling in his body...

You gulped and looked over at the teacher snoring away, the sight of him sleeping relieved you. You stared at the door that was wide open that was literally screaming at you, 'Come on (F/N)! Come and exit through me!!'. You swiftly and soundlessly clutched your bag to your chest and gripped your phone. You stood up slowly trying to not make the chair grind loudly against the floor. 

Once you were standing straight, you quietly tucked the chair in and stealthily jogged out the classroom like a ninja. As you ran silently through the halls, you made a ninja hand and whispered, "Nin, nin!" (Fairy tail reference XD)

You successfully managed to sneak past the office by crawling under the viewing window so nobody could see you. When you were finally at least 20 meters away from the entrance, you jumped in the air fueled by adrenaline while feeling rebellious. You jogged to the school's gates to see Levi standing there and scrolling through his phone. He turned his head to the sound of your feet treading on the grass.


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You smiled and waved at him. He held back a smile and walked over to you while sliding his phone down his pocket.

 "So, how was detention?" he teased, a smirk evident over his features. You pouted and fake-fumed. 
"Why greet me like that? No hello or hey (F/N)!?" you angrily replied. He combed his slick black hair with his hand. "Of course not. It's gotta have the (N/N) in it or else I wouldn't bother," he said, making you blush. You didn't say anything but walked in front of him to the direction of home. Once you were a few meters or so away from him, you stopped and looked behind you. 

"Are you coming or not, or are you just going to stand there like an idiot? I'm going home." you snapped, unamused by his smoothness. He shrugged and walked towards you. 

The walk home was filled with conversations with one word answers. Once you arrived at your home's front yard, you turned to Levi to thank him. He tch'd in reply. You looked at him up and down feeling a little bit of guilt that he walked you home and stuff, so you gave him a quick peck on the cheek after a moment of hesitation. You glared at him immediately after. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself. I was just saying thank you," you stuttered, very tsundere-like. He smirked.

"Is that it? I expected a kiss on the lips." he monotonously replied, making you glare and blush harder. "What dafuq Levi? You already got too much! For a second I thought I wasn't going to even touch you!" you argued. He tch'd and turned around to walk home. You did the same. He stopped briefly after, and said, "Oi, (F/N),"

You turned around again with a bit of annoyance to answer whatever he was going to say. 

"What now? You know I actually have to head ho-"

He cut you off with a passionate kiss on the lips. You attempted to scream but it all came out as unclear muffles that sounded agree. You blushed while you slowly began to kiss back. He slid his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. He deepened the kiss and licked your lips. You shut your mouth tightly to avoid any advancing to the next level. ;)

"I love you so damn much, (F/N)... Shit. I don't think I can contain myself... Forgive me for this..."  

He grunted in annoyance and squeezed your sides, forcing you to open your mouth to laugh, but you didn't get to laugh, for he had stuck his tongue into your mouth and began exploring the inside. You mewled as his tongue played with yours. He then pushed his face stronger against yours, making you lean back, and nearly falling over, but he supported you with his arm. He kissed you hungrily with impure desire. His lips were on yours for a long while before you both finally pulled away panting for air, with a faint line of saliva connecting your mouths. 

You were a blushing mess, but he wasn't doing so good either.

His mouth was agape with a drop of saliva rolling down his chin. A tint of deep red was on his cheek. 'Since when did he become such a sloppy kisser?'  you thought. 'He always had a skilled mouth... BAH! What am I thinking!?' 

He leaned into you and stared deeply into your eyes with his lust-filled orbs and whispered seductively, "I want you so bad. Do you know how much you turn me on?"  Your eyes widened and you were sizzling red hot. "H-huh?" you stammered out.

"I always feel like this when I'm around you." he panted, holding onto your shoulders tightly. You couldn't pull away from his iron grip, so all you could do was watch and listen to him.

"You always make me show a different side. Do you know how much I had to hold back?" he continued, making you blush 50 shades of red. "E-ehhhh?!" you screeched. 

"Oi... How old are we? Heading for graduation soon right? What's the legal age...?" he huskily said, as if he was intoxicated. You slapped a hand over your mouth and screamed into it. "What are you talking about, LEVIIII!?" you screamed, saddened that you knew clearly what he was talking about. 

His blush disappeared from his face.

"Marry me?" he asked hastily. Your jaw dropped to the floor.

"WHAT!?" you screamed back.

"Let's have children?" he continued perkily.

"THE F*-"

"50 of those brats. No, 70."


"I can't wait to go on to the children-making~" he huskily said, going back to his pervy state.

You pushed his face away that was trying to near yours. "Stop! No! You sound so yandere goddammit!" you exclaimed. "Don't kill meee!"

He pulled away and stared at your reaction. You began slapping his face without end trying to return him back to the real Levi. "Levi! Get *slap* your *slap* shit together!" you said, leaving red marks on both of his cheeks. He calmed down after a while, and his eyes weren't yandere and lust-filled anymore. (Don't worry, Levi ain't gonna be no yandere in ma story)

"Back to the cool Levi now?" you chuckled dryly, with a blush on your face thinking about what had happened. He widened his eyes and covered his face in embarrassment.

"Shit. I'm so fucking sorry (F/N). I'm so sorry..." he apologized profusely still covering his face. "You probably think I'm some fucking horny rapist..." he cursed.

"Ehehe... Don't worry. I know you didn't really mean to do that." you chuckled. "But if you did mean it, than it must mean I'm so irresistible!" you joked, and posed a funny pose. He forced a small smile at your fast recovery from the ordeal.

"I did mean it, (F/N). You are indeed irresistible. Irresistibly beautiful," 

If only reader-chan realized. 

-End of chapter-

Yo ma peoples! I updated kinda late again, because I was doing other stuffs. But I put a kinky lime in there, did you like it!? MWAAHAHAAHHAA! Ok. Ok. So yeah, I will be updating soon, at least sooner than this time. And there will soon be a lemon, a marriage, :))) yada yada yada, basically what you heard from Levi. >:D And yeah, I'll be updating in several days, and make sure you leave a vote and comment. You know, the usual. See ya soon!

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