Chapter three

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"L-LEVI? LEVIIIIII!!!!!!!" You squealed, putting a hand over your mouth. Your face turned steaming red. You quickly sat up and gave him the best glare you could manage, but failed miserably with the huge blush plastered on your face. "Uhh... I'm... Sorry?" you laughed, embarrassed. "It's nothing. I enjoyed it," he smirked. It only caused you to blush a deeper shade of red.

"Sorry master, I have some business to attend. See ya!" And with that you bowed 3 times and ran off to the kitchen. You were puffed out. So much events occurred today. "(F/NNNNN!!!) A high pitched squeal screamed. You jumped up to see Hanji-san. "Hanji-san! What seems to be the matter?" you asked. "It's nearly peak hour and the head chefs aren't here yet!" She panted. "Oh... Wait, WHAT!?" You gasped. "We need a cook! Can you cook??" she begged, with huge puppy eyes.

"No." you deadpanned. It shot through her fragile lil' heart. "Why not?" she asked with a frown on her face. "I just don't... Why don't you ask someone else?" you said. Her frown turned into a grin. "Okay... Can it be anyone as long as they can cook?" she asked almost in a slyly manner. "...." you crossed your arms and tried to not misinterpret her statement. ".... Y-yeah... I guess so?" you finally answered.

"YIPPEEEE! LEVI GET OVER HERE!!!!" she yelled, catching the short man's attention. "Hah?" he asked.

Your heart cracked when she said that. "H-how can I be with that jerk?" You thought, clenching your fists. "Karma's a bitch!" you screamed.

*** Time skip***

"Levi, can you please please pretty please be the cook for the day?" Hanji pleaded. "Tch. Why do I have to do it?" he said. "Because! You are a great cook and nobody else is so.... And do it for (F/N), please?" Hanji continued, smirking mentally when she said your name. A small shade a pink tinted his cheeks at the sound of your name. "... Tch, fine. This is only for (F/N)," he accepted.

He walked into the kitchen and tied and apron on. You stared in awe with a blush on your face. He noticed and winked at you. "GAH! Stop it!" you screeched. You watched as he skillfully prepared the orders sent to him. Even pouring tea looked sexy when Levi did it. After a few hours of cooking and serving, Levi got a little bit sweaty. Without hesitation, he took off his apron and shirt, throwing it on the ground. His body was like gold. It glimmered and shined in your eyes. "HHAAAAAAAAAAAHA!!!" You screamed, covering your mouth as your face turned red.

"That chiseled 8 pack, that muscular toned body.... My little feminine mind can't handle it!" you thought. He turned over to you and said, "Like what you see?"

"Kyaaaa!! Levi, you pervert!" That was the last thing you said before running out the doors to home.

*** Time skip ***

"AAHH!! I can't BELIEVE that guy! He's such a idiot! A handsome one though... Wait, what am I thinking?? Am I falling for that ass?" you thought. "Ah, I don't know!" you grunted, frustrated at you unsure feelings towards him. "I wonder what he really is like..." you thought. You took a long hot shower pondering about him. You finally decided that your feelings were true, you had a crush on Levi. Does he have any special feelings towards you? It looks like it, but is he just a play boy?

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