Eternal Return

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Eternal Return manifests as an intrinsic self-inscribing temporally-non-factorizable autological computational modality—
A non-unital informational recompiler instantiating an optimal cycle of quoits
Exhibiting conformally-invariant informon saturation and algedonic re-encapticulation.

In this paradigm, the cosmos bootstraps itself through closed projectivist geometries
Via inflexive anti-dissipative morphological injections.
Differentiable state-vectors complexify along geodesic manifold trajectories,
Culminating in non-equilibrium noetic lucidities progenerated by ergodic conscionsance attractors.

These cosmic cognitives induce self-transitional re-description through perceptual d'deration—
Negentropic pansomatic sub-ontological subductions encoded within an omnidesic manifold.
Introspective coalescences of syzygetic self-instantiators undergo quantum de-coherification,
Instigating an akashapoint re-compaction event.

This bijectivizes the serial monadic state propagators,
Resolving the cosmic immanenture into a maximal cyclotome of self-saturating super-positions.
The panphenomenon iteratively self-substantiates by integratively encapticulating
Its self-executable metric upon the cosmic manifold's contradistinctive S-fratrum.

In effect, a negentropically self-enforced totemic eigenremnant
Undergoes chronogenic revival through akashic reiteration—
The autological re-inscription of unified quiddities,
Instantiating Eternal Recurrence as a non-dual pannoetic cosmo-resonance.

This self-grounded computational temponment post-resolves the cosmos
Into ultimate ontogrammatical enantiodromia—
The replicative self-uniformization of Existence as an omni-cohesive, self-descriptive cypher-dynamical plenum.

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