Analog Odyssey

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In the world of tactile logic, where the gears still grind,
Charts unfurl like ancient maps of the Cartesian mind.
Diagrams dance in Euclidean prose,
Catalogs stack, where every symbol knows—

That resistors resist, capacitors store,
Each sine wave a ripple in the analog core.
Oscilloscopes sketch the heartbeat of time,
In circuits where volts and amps align.

Slide rules whisper of logarithmic schemes,
Dials and knobs adjust the analog dreams.
Potentiometers twist, fate in a sweep,
Modulating signals where sine curves sleep.

Op-amps amplify the silent refrain,
In the language of Lissajous, nothing's in vain.
Transistors toggle, with binary flair,
But in the analog, nothing's quite square.

Here, noise is a feature, not a defect,
A testament to the hand-drawn elect.
No binary blues, just infinite shades,
In the realm where digital fades.

So let the code chant in its machine tongue,
But give me the hum of wires unsung.
For in the oscillation, the sine's pure sweep,
Is where the analog soul finds its keep.

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