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Jiovanni opened the door for the two girls ahead of us, making me mug, then walk through the door as he held it

"Why would you do that?" I looked at him when he walked in too

"Hold the door? Chill." He said before pulling me by arm to give me back

I softly kissed back while he let go of my arm, he looked at me with a sly smile making me shake my head, giving a small smile back

We were at a ice cream shop because I really wanted some ice cream, he chose the place though

The line of people began to shorten, so we both stepped into the line

"What you getting?" He asked, I shrugged in return since I had never been to the ice cream shop he picked out

"What are you?" I returned the question

"Prolly mint chocolate chip."

We walked up in the line. "Hi, welcome to Milk The Cow. What can I get started for the two of you?"

"Ima get mint chocolate chip." He said

"And for you?" She asked, grabbing a small bowl and grabbing the scooper

"Butter pecan and cheesecake."

We each received our ice cream, we had to walk somewhere separate to get toppings

He put damn near everything on his ice cream, making me look at him. I had only put bits of Lotus Biscoff cookies on mine, then grabbed a plastic spoon

Even though he was complaining like always, he paid for the both of our ice cream and we went to sit down outside

"Let me taste yours." I said, looking at his bowl

"Man, you don't even like mint ice cream."

"So? Give me some please." I said with my bottom lip out, he sucked his teeth but still let me

"This is... nasty. You gotta do better, boo." I made a disgusted face, it was too nasty

"Told yo' ass." He said while I ate more of my ice cream to get rid of the mint taste

"Shut up, stop complaining all your life."

"Shoulda made you pay fa this shit, allat you doing." He said, causing me to look at him crazy

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