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Gymnastics practice had just ended, I was in the bathroom using it before I left and headed to the hospital

Usually my mom or dad would drop me off and pick me up, but today I drove myself so I could immediately head to the hospital

I stood in the bathroom mirror, putting on my brothers Balenciaga zip up jacket over my gymnastics uniform but I didn't have my shorts

I put my phone in the jacket pocket, then threw my practice bag over my shoulder and headed out of the bathroom. I had already said bye to everyone so I just walked out and left to my car

My keys were in my bag, I took them out and hurried up and unlocked my car and got in because I seen one of the new assistant coaches coming out the building. All the new assistant coaches was too fucking annoying for my liking

Salem FaceTimed me, I was pulling out of the
parking lot. "Hello..."

"Who the fuck is you on the phone?" I heard Draya's voice in the background, sounding like she was snatching or picking things up

"Shut the fuck up, I'm on the phone wit' my lil sister, don't start again." He said, making me side-eye

"Why you calling me if you arguing with Draya?" I questioned

"Nah... why she starting with me if I'm calling you?" He flipped the question

"SALEM, nobody fucking knew you was on the phone with your sister. Stop tryna make me look bad, and go make sure yo' son is in that tub."

"Draya, I don't listen to yo' ass." He said, but it sounding like he was getting up and walking to do what he said

"But look at ya, doing what I told you."

"Okay, Salem. What are you calling me for?" I asked, I needed to hurry him off the phone so I could call Sergio's second phone and see if he wanted something to eat

"I'm tryna see if you can watch Bub tonight and I'll pick him up in the am." He requested

"Umm, you asking late. I'm probably not gonna be heading home until like 10." I spoke confused as to why he was asking me so last minute

"Damn, where the fuck yo' curfew at, shit. Well, when you start heading home, head over here and get him."

"Okay, and why you need me to watch him?" I questioned

"Don't be in my business like that."

"Nigga, please. Now I'm hanging up, tend to yo' bm." I said and hung up like I said was going to

Him and Draya aren't like a toxic couple but they do petty shit to each other to get under each other skin sometimes, but they'll have some petty ass arguments about it and move on. I think they just need to get married and shut up

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