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"Anddd.... go!" Coach Dale yelled as he clicked the side button on his stop watch, cueing for the girls to run

One of those girls being Yuri, she had tried every sport you can name and track was all her, aside from cheer and gymnastics

Yuri managed to leave everyone in the dust besides the one girl that was ahead of her

Every time that she ran, she heard her dad's voice yelling "GO, GO, GO!" even when he wasn't anywhere near. When she first started running and practicing with her dad, that was his main phrase

He would yell for her to keep pushing while clapping his hands together, and she kept going

She seen a hurdle coming up, and looked to the left and to the right to see if anybody else had one in their lane, they didn't

Her first mind was to jump, but she jumped too late and uncoordinated, making her land right on her knees

"FUCK!" She practically screamed to the top of her lungs, catching all of their attention

Instantly, her knees started burning and hurting. Coach Amber ran over to her lane with quickness

"Yuri, are you okay?" Coach Amber began to pull her to stand to her feet from the kneeling position she seemed to be stuck in

"Try to walk."

Yuri attempted, but she had a bad burning and aching sensation in her knees

"I need to sit down." She stressed, you could tell how bad she was hurting based off her face

Some girls had stopped running to be nosey, but some of them also kept running. The attention was on Yuri now

Not only was she physically hurting, but she was embarrassed by the girls looking at her and there were football boys on the field, practicing as well

Coach Amber and Coach Dale both got her into Jordan, the athletic trainer's room and onto the table

"Can you tell me what happened?" Jordan asked

"I was- I was- I was-" She hiccuped and breathed heavy, her chest heaved uncontrollably

"Take deep breaths, it's okay." He assured, holding the both of her hands

"I was running, but I was the only- the only one with a- hurdle." She groaned in pain, stuttering over her words

"Which you were unprepared for, and it either stopped you unexpectedly or you attempted to jump, and failed, hurting yourself." He finished her sentence, she nodded in response

Jordan went ahead, applying pressure on Yuri's right knee. "Do you feel that?"

She nodded her head profusely, and he did the same with her left knee

"Rate the pain in your legs and knees 1-10, 10 being the worse."

"10." She spoke truthfully as she wiped the tears that had been streaming since she got off the track

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