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When Sergio woke, he didn't feel his girlfriend in his arms as he always did

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When Sergio woke, he didn't feel his girlfriend in his arms as he always did. His eyes opened wider as he looked on her side of the bed

The bathroom light to their bathroom was on with the door cracked. He assumed she was using the bathroom but he heard her gagging, then a flood of her throwing up

He got out of bed, going to the bathroom. She looked up, wiping her mouth when the door opened

"You okay? What's wrong?" He looked at her, her hair was all messed up although she usually slept with it in a bonnet

"I don't know, I woke up around 5am and my stomach was hurting, I just felt nauseous..."

"How long you been by this toilet?" He asked since he knew it was now 6am, he always woke up around that time to get ready for workouts and practice

"I don't know, I keep throwing up." She deeply sighed

"What's wrong? Something you ate?"

"I'm unsure, I only been eating healthy, besides that Five Guys yesterday and that went right through me. I thought I was having weird bowel moments from my period but my period didn't even come." She told, then started to throw up again

"Your period ain't come?" His eyebrows ruffled

He bent down and held her hair for her, trying to rub her back even though it was hurting his back to bend that far down

"Ughh." She groaned after she spit and wiped the side of her mouth

"I don't know what could be wrong with me, I feel so nauseous."

Sergio took a deep breath while staring down at her, he had an idea of what could be wrong with her, an idea he was not very fond of

"You think you pregnant?" He questioned

With her eyebrows raised, she turned and looked up at him. "Huh?"

"I know you heard me." He sighed, shaking his head

"I mean... possibly but we can't have no baby right now." She almost started to cry

"Fuck." He mumbled to himself, continuing to stand while looking over her

"You want me to stay home from practice, I can go get a pregnancy test or something. Anything you need." He suggested in a tired tone, but she shook her head

"I can um get it myself, I don't want you to miss practice." She didn't want him to miss practice because they were definitely going to need them NIL deals if she was pregnant

"Ion wanna leave you here, you might need me for something and you sick."

"I'm only throwing up, I'm able body. Just start getting ready for practice, baby." She sighed as she looked down at the bathroom floor

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