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"Kai, stop being greennn." I stressed and snatched his headset off of his head

"Right." Jae agreed

"I'm not texting that man, that ain't got shit to do wit' me." He frowned, continuing to play on his game

"Bruh, just tell him to pull up and that's it." I begged

"I'll retwist your hair for free."

He looked at me with a smirk, and I gave him the same look back. "Still no."

I looked at him with a look off disappointment, then looked at his phone that was unlocked, sitting on his desk counter. I snatched it and ran out with Jae following behind me

He tried to chase me for his phone, but I locked myself in the guest bathroom

"You play too much, bruh!"


Yo gang
Pull up on me and get smacked on 2k

Yeen smacking shit

Igh bitch hurry up

I started laughing hysterically and turned Kai's phone off, but I couldn't give it back or even come out the bathroom until Sergio pulled up because Kai was gonna get me

"BRUH, stop fuckin' playing." Kai hit the door

"You acting like I'm yo' girlfriend and you been cheating, boy. Chill out, nigger."

My dad was still on the oil rig and my mom was at work, so I wasn't worried about him snitching like a bitch

While waiting, I started texting Jae so my plan could follow through. The plan wasn't much of a plan though, I just needed to be heard out and I didn't know what Kai was about to be on

my favorite girl 😘😘

take kai somewhere
go get food assum

right now?

no when sergio come
i need some timeeeee

i'm knowing
you definitely fucked up

yeah i need just like a hour idk

bout 3😭😭😭

stop tryna be funny fr

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