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"I always go everywhere with my gun, but Ion got no opps and Ion be having people over my spot for real

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"I always go everywhere with my gun, but Ion got no opps and Ion be having people over my spot for real." Sergio explained, talking to Yuri

Yuri was laying on her stomach, looking up at Sergio who was sitting at the top of his bed. They were talking about anything, she didn't mind staying up even though she knew she had to be at the firm in the morning


"Yeah, it's only been a couple folks up in my spot, but I don't go over other people shit either so shiddd." He shrugged, grabbing the controller to his PS5

"I want a gun but I don't know what Ima do wit' it, I want a gun though." She told

"When you get one we can practice shooting." He insisted, nodding his head

"I know that'll be fun." She scooted her body up more on the bed, coming closer to him

"You sound like a psycho, but I forgot to mention that Ima be in Florida all summer for summer practice and workouts." He told her

Obviously, Sergio had signed with Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, so he was going to have to go to Florida. Everything was paid for, a full athletic scholarship

Everything that was going on, he was so proud of himself especially since he did it himself.

The only thing he was iffy about was living in the dorms because he had siblings but he always lived with just his older sister or his Papa, so he had a feeling he was going to move off of campus
But he did know that during the summer he wasn't going to be on campus, he had already started the process of getting an apartment, even if the lease was only going to be for like two months

He was literally being paid to play on this team and go to the school so he knew he would be straight regardless

"The hell? When you coming back?" She immediately frowned

"Ion know, you wanna come?" He asked, looking down at her

"This summer I gotta compete in States, that's it and the STEM competition but we're already doing that together." She said, placing her hands on his bare stomach since he didn't have his shirt on

"I like yo' nails." He got distracted from the conversation, looking down at her hands

"Thank you."

She crawled from where she was on the bed to on top of him, resting her bottom on his stomach. She lifted his freeforms to look at his haircut

"I like your haircut." She gave him a compliment back

"Preciate you."

He chuckled while turning on his PS5 by the controller. "You all on me." He looked up at her

"It's a problem?" She asked and pulled his hair back again to see his facial expression

When she pulled his freeforms back he started laughing and shook his head. "Never a problem." He assured

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