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My ma had came down to the hospital to come see me but I ain't give a fuck if she did or didn't, I really didn't want her to come because she was gonna try to argue

"So you tried to run from the police and that coach came up here, still allowing you to play for that team. He do know what you just went to jail for right?" She questioned, crossing her arms over her chest

She had my lil brother, Kameron, with her. I looked and him because I knew it was finna get disrespectful

"You saying that like you don't want me to go to college and play. Yeah, they know about allat but I never been convicted of nun. I don't have a record." I looked at her like she was dumb because she really is

"Wouldn't allow you on my team." She muttered, leaning back on the hospital couch

"Why you even come down here early in the morning if you was gon' be on bullshit?"

Normally, Ion cuss or be disrespectful towards anyone that's my elder. Like with Yuri and Kai mom, I always show her respect because she treat me better than my ma ever did

"I came down here to check on my fucking son! To find out you running from police, I'm not condoning in that shit!" She got loud

"Ma, I been explained to you what went down. I ain't run from the police, even if I did that don't mean come up here tryna make it seem like my coach supposed to take my scholarship." I mugged her

It was 11am and Yuri hair appointment was at 9am so I knew she was gonna be up here at any moment. I ain't mind her meeting my brother, but my mom treat girls that I talk to like shit

She'll start with them and talk shit about them like she ain't missing a fucking side tooth and all her wigs look like horse tail

"You need to lose it, maybe you'll learn your lesson. Wannabe d boy." She shook her head, giving me a look

"I'm not no damn wannabe d boy and even if I was, you ain't getting no money. You always on bullshit, you jealous." I had to call how I seen it

She looked at Kameron like she couldn't believe I just said that then looked at me. "Jealous of what? I've went farther than you ever have in life!" She stood up

"Mama, chill." Kameron tried to pull her down back on the couch

"I'm 18 with my own apartment, own car, grades perfect damn near, and finna go out the state on an athletic and academic scholarship. At 18, you was shooting shi' up yo' arm, Ma. You ain't farther than me, never will be." I shook my head

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