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I sat at the edge of Sergio's couch, waiting on my mom to answer the phone for me

She didn't answer the first time... or the second time, so I had to call her three times. Whatever her and my dad had going on was not that important

"Baby... hello?" She answered the phone, panting. She sounded out of breath

"Yeah um, Mommy. What are you doing?"

"Nothing at all, phew. We're about to watch a movie. Do you need me for something?" She asked

"Yes, but I have to explain. Me and Sergio went to the movies and came back to his house to freshen up before he took me home but you said I could stay so I did, but he asked me if I was hungry I said no and that I was going to sleep, so he leaves after he tells me he's gonna get food and go to his sister's house for a little. Then, we text while he's out, but then I went to sleep and he texted me while I was sleep telling me to call him, now it's like 4 am and he's still not here. I tried to call him two times, he didn't answer." I explained the situation

"Wait... huh? You're there by yourself?" She questioned for clarity

"Yes... I don't know what he has going on or where he's at, and it's not like him to do any of this." I heavily sighed

"It isn't at all, but I need to make sure you're safe so I'm about to come get you. Try to call him in the morning, he could've fell asleep at his sister's house." She suggested

"That is true, but I know he would've texted me and told me he was staying there, but he wouldn't even leave me just here by myself so it don't make sense."

"A lot of things don't make sense, but they happen. We're on the way right now, do you have a way to lock up his house?" She asked

"Uh no, he has a padlock on his front door but I don't know the code." I shrugged, standing up to go get my things

"Maybe you can try to figure out, I'll call you when I'm there." She said

"Okay, bye." I said, then hung up

My mom had my location, she was the only person on my Find My that I actually shared my location back with, really because I had to

There wasn't that much of stuff that I had, I only brung my clothes to change into and some hygiene stuff just incase. I grabbed my light blue, furry duffel bag from Valabasas

I was hoping that Sergio was genuinely okay because I didn't think he was at his sister house at all

It wasn't like he was just some street nigga getting wild, but he sold heavy drugs, making more than enough money and I literally seen him kill someone. Also, he's D1 and there's too many jealous people in Atlanta

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