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"Hold that thought, Ima call y'all back." I stared at my father's message, then hung up the phone call with my best friends

"Oh my gosh."


You know your bank account is linked to mine right?? What the fuck going on Yuri

Read 6:49am

I tried to call him, but he didn't even answer so that made me even more nervous. On the bright side, gives me more time to make up a lie

Everything was making me anxious and I felt like I had to throw up

My mouth started to water so I immediately kneeled down, pulling up the toilet seat. I vomited so much into the toilet that my nose started to run

"I swear to God I'm killing this baby if I am pregnant."

Feeling my stomach start to hurt, I threw up some more in the toilet until I felt like I was completely finished

Standing up, I wiped my lip, then started to brush my teeth while squinting at the test for the results to appear

When I leaned down to spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth, then looked back up. The results had came

Not pregnant
Not pregnant

I could've did a praise dance, a huge smile came across my face


both negative

Although I was happy, I couldn't get TOO excited because of false negatives. I actually needed to go to a clinic to get a pregnancy test, but I didn't want to go immediately

I took both of the tests and put them under the bathroom sink before washing my hands, drying them and walking out with my phone. I also turned the light off

At the time, I didn't even want to leave out again, just wanted to enjoy and soak in the feeling of these negative pregnancy tests even though I needed to find an explanation for my dad

The outfit I had on was hot since I was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, so I switched into some shorts and Sergio's BAPE shirt, then laid in bed

I got comfortable quickly and started texting in my group chat


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