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I placed my phone down on the  table in the hotel room against my water bottle, I was recording a TikTok since I was in Tokyo

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I placed my phone down on the table in the hotel room against my water bottle, I was recording a TikTok since I was in Tokyo

"Hey, y'all. I'm in Tokyo, and me and my boyfriend matching."

"Come here." I pulled Sergio into the camera, he was standing close by, head in his phone

As I backed up to show my outfit, I pulled him back as well to show his

He put up the peace sign, looking awkward in the camera, making me laugh to myself

We were wearing Sp5der Legacy 'Blue' hoodie and sweatpants with our own pairs of shoes. I was wearing Maison Margiela Gat's but he had Balenciaga's on his feet

"So we both go Jeffery on the outfits, but I got on Margiela's and he go Balenci." I grabbed my hood, then pointed at our shoes

"Yeah." He nodded, raising his eyebrow

"It's our first day out here, landed last night. He don't know what to say, no media training face ass." I walked back up to the table to grab my phone off of it

"You want me to bark? I ain't got nun to say but we fresh as fuck." He laughed, his hair all in his face

"Bye, I'll come back when we leave this hotel." I looked at him, then stopped recording and drafted the video to come back to

"You ready?"

"I'm ready." He came behind me, grabbing his things off of the table

"We gotta go exchange money, then we gon' go breakfast from that place, then go to them stores." He said, rubbing the inside of his pockets. He was telling me because I didn't really know what we were doing

"How much you plan on spending?" I raised my eyebrows

"Ion know, I'm breaking bread doe. My priorities straight so shit I got play money." He shrugged

"Your trap booming, huh?" I joked, he was taking a picture of himself in the full body mirror, then pulled me in front of him

His arm going around my body, he took a picture of the both of us. We looked too cute matching

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