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"Yuri Hemdanna it is?" The woman who was interviewing me for the internship asked, she was a hispanic lady and her outfit was so pretty

"Yes." I extended my hand out first in which she shook my hand

To say I was nervous would be an understatement, sitting across from this woman at her desk in her office at this courthouse had me feeling like shitting bricks

My parents and Sergio told me I had nothing to worry about but no matter how good the odds were, I was going to be nervous

At the states competition... I was nervous the whole time and came out on first place

"How are you today, I must say you're very beautiful. You look so youthful." She complimented me with a smile

Well, I am 18 years old

"Thank you so much. I'm fine, how are you?" I returned the question, smiling with these damn train tracks on my teeth

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Let's get into your application shall we." She sighed, typing on her computer that sat in the corner of the desk

I just nodded back since I didn't really know what to say, although I had been practicing stuff like this for years

"Wow, this is a nice application. You're a criminology and criminal justice major, you already had an internship at a law firm, and your GPA is phenomenal. I'm really proud of you, I know how it hard it is for anyone to achieve those things." She read off my application

"Thank you, it may have been hard but I can do anything that I put my mind to."

I deadass HATE this corny ass shit, just give me the position already

"That's perfect, that's what we need." She nodded, then looked from her computer to me

"So you're fresh out of high school, can you tell me how it is for you right now and your plans for college and afterwards?"

"Right now, I live in Tallahassee and plan on getting this internship to further my opportunities and experience. When I go off to college, the University of Miami, I plan to major in criminology and criminal justice of course, then take the BAR exam to become a prosecutor or lawyer." I explained

"Prosecution or defense, are you indecisive?" She questioned while squinting at me

"No not at all, I'm a very decisive person, but I want to my decision based off my present at the time since life is always changing." I dodged that curve ball too easy

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