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"Ma, what all you need done?" Kai asked Taina, furrowing his eyebrows in question

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"Ma, what all you need done?" Kai asked Taina, furrowing his eyebrows in question

Taina had asked the boys, Kai, Sergio, and Jab for help since they were over. She needed help with labors that she had never done before since she had been with her husband for so long and before lived in apartments, but Lawrence was away on an oil rig for a month

"Yeah, what you need?" Jab co-signed with a head nod

"The front yard for sure and the backyard, also I need my car to be looked at but I don't know if y'all know how to do all that."

"Show it to us." Sergio nodded, he was pretty sure he could fix it since his Papa taught him everything about cars

Yuri came down the steps in her phone, she looked up to see the four of them and looked awkwardly before continuing to walk past them to the kitchen

Things weren't all peaches and cream with Yuri and her mom solely because her mom went off on her which was a rare sight.

Samai couldn't believe it when she seen it, she was in shock because her mom was always chill and got her point across in a calm manner

But now, Yuri hadn't really spoken to her mom how she usually would and really didn't even want to talk to her

Taina of course loved Yuri so much, and didn't want to be at odds with her daughter but the whole thing was not right to her. She couldn't believe Yuri lied on Sergio who had just got out of jail for false incrimination, to protect a boy who abused her. Also, Taina already didn't like Jiovanni from past occurrences and this was just the icing on the cake

"I'll show you guys when the yard and everything is done, take everything one step at a time." She nodded

They went inside altogether and Taina walked into the kitchen where her daughter was

"What do you want for dinner?" She asked Yuri who was standing in the pantry

"Whatever you make." Yuri shrugged, she didn't have a taste for anything

"I don't wanna make anything major because Dad is usually the one who wants all that, so I'll save that for later. But what about something basic like Alfredo, spaghetti, chicken?"

"Uhh chicken Alfredo." Yuri nodded before going in the fridge to grab a water and walking out

Yuri went upstairs and Kolby, their black Cavapoo followed Yuri to her bedroom. She shut the door quickly

"You always on my tail." She rolled her eyes, picking Kolby up and putting her in the walk in closet

The door was open so she could see her, Kolby started to play with the toys that were in there for her because Yuri didn't like for Kolby to be on her bed or fucked up her items


come outside.

who is this and fuck no

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