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Yuri, Jae, and Reign all were sitting in different positions on Yuri's bed, she had a room to herself at her sister's place

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Yuri, Jae, and Reign all were sitting in different positions on Yuri's bed, she had a room to herself at her sister's place

It was 9pm on a school night, Wednesday to be exact. Yuri went to go pick them up after gymnastics practice although she was super tired but she really just needed a shower and to lay down to feel better

Ryleia didn't play that smoking shit for Yuri because she knew she was an athletic demon so Jae and Reign got high before coming. Them smoking before they came was good though because Yuri didn't like to smoke

"On Saturday it's a pool party." Reign mentioned

"Dave pool party?" Jae questioned, which she was right. Dave wasn't anybody they knew personally, well not Jae and Reign at least

Yuri and Sergio talked 24/7 and about everything under the moon, so he had told her about a fight between his friends and Dave's friend which lead to Sergio's close friend shooting Dave's brother

The mention of his name made Yuri go quiet because she thought about the situation

"Yeah, y'all tryna go?" Reign asked the both of them, Jae was down but Yuri shrugged

"Something went down between him and Sergio peoples, also when I leave the firm I'm just probably gonna go see him."

"You always with that boy, it's definitely not a problem but you needa make time for other shit to enjoy yourself. You in grind mind all week and day, then when you get some time you go see Sergio." Jae pointed out

"What do you mean? It's not like I'm canceling plans with other to be with him, if I wasn't going to be with him I was going to do the same exact thing at my house and by myself. Plus, you can't tell me what's good for me so let's start there." She replied, making Reign sigh because they were about to start to argue just to be over it in 2 seconds

"Yuri, shut your ass up. I can tell you what's good for you, what's NOT good for you is sneaking behind Kai back to go see that boy damn near everyday." Jae argued back

"You dead sneak behind your dad back to get fucked, please be quiet."

"Yeah by Aj, I ain't just out here fucking now." Jae mugged in offense

"You need to be out here fucking, keep going back to that toxic ass nigga." She frowned at her, her and Aj were definitely toxic but Yuri didn't care at all she was just engaging in the argument

"Bitch, you so mean to Sergio, that's toxic not me and my boo. I would not let no bitch over my house just to be rude to me in my own shit."

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