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Yuri stood on the weight scale in front of her coaches, Coach Dangy

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Yuri stood on the weight scale in front of her coaches, Coach Dangy. Her eyes wandered as Coach Dangy looked at the scale

"You gained two pounds and it's not muscle because you haven't been in the gym." He said, making Yuri suck her teeth

"Two pounds, Coach. Really?" She rolled her eyes dramatically as she stepped off the sclar

"It's two pounds, it's fine, but don't get off track due to your injury because you know now you have to work a thousand times because you weren't practicing or competing." He made known

"I know, now let me go stretch." She said and hurried off, jogging to the stretching area of the gymnasium

She was the only one over there since everyone had started practicing already, everyone else had weighed in the day before but today she was finally coming back and was super excited

Practice started from 4 to 8 for the gymnasts how it always was. Some parents complained and said that other gymnastics teams only had two hours of practice but they weren't as good at the Elite 5 Gymnastics team

Yuri was one of their bests because Lawrence, her dad didn't play about practices and pushing her to her fullest potential. Sometimes Yuri felt like he only cared about school and sports but he tried his best and she knew that he loved her dearly

"Hurry up with your stretches!" The assistant coach, Miss. P began yelling to Yuri while walking towards her

"I just started and you're not my coach." Yuri spoke with a confused and offended look, leaning over to stretch out her left leg

"It doesn't matter, hurry up so you can catch up with the other girls."

Yuri didn't take shit from people but being in sports she had to learn to suck it up or she might not be able to compete, be front line in practices, or just basically be x-ed out of the equation in general

She rolled her eyes, ignoring the assistant coach who she barely knew and continued on with her stretches. She wasn't really that worried about the lady anyway

"You don't gotta roll your eyes, honey." Miss. P said before walking away, rolling her eyes too

Instead of feeding into the bullshit, she kept on stretching because no one was about to rush her process especially since she had just got off of injury leave

When she finished, she hopped up and walked over to where the other girls were

"So all the girls already did their warm up, so do your warm up. We not practicing any moves today, today is straight training so warm up and make sure you stretched." Coach Tae told her

"Okay." She responded and went to start her warmup

All of the gymnasts had unique warmups, Yuri's warmup was tumbling and going in on her flexibility. Sometimes she did switch it up though but coming back from her injury she wasn't about to do anything new

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