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D1 Athlete, committed to Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Sergio Alexandre involved in a horrible accident with Georgia State Patrol. Authorities say he took minutes to pull over in a traffic stop due to him speeding and failing to stop at a stop sign before Georgia State Patrol were forced to run the athlete off of the road by hitting his tail. His car reportedly flipped 3 times, then landed upright. His car suffered damages to its right side, rear end and front. Patrols ordered for him to put his hands out of the window, he was found unconscious in the driver's seat. Ambulances were dispatched, he reportedly suffered injuries to the face, chest, leg, and side. He has been hospitalized at Grady Memorial Hospital since 2:19am on Saturday, April 11th

The more I read the article the more my eyes got big, Jae had sent the article to me and it had just been released like an hour prior

I basically ran from the living room to my room to get my keys and purse. I left out of my room and walked down the stairs, about to leave

"Mommy, I'm going to the hospital!" I announced, then opened the door

As soon as I was unlocking my door, my mom's contacted popped up on my screen from a FaceTime call

"Hello?" I answered the FaceTime, then unlocked my doors and got inside my car

"Why are you going to the hospital? What's wrong with you?" She questioned with a frown on her face

"Sergio is there, it's hard to explain so I'll just send you the article."

"There's an article? Did Sergio get shot?" She asked in a very concerned tone, I was already pulling out of the driveway

"No, I'll call you back." I said and ended the call

I sent her the article of what happened as soon as I hung up because I knew she would text me for it. The article was a lot longer than the section I read myself, it was the most important part though

my favorite girl 😘😘

you going up to grady?

yes smh
i knew that damn boy did not ghost me!!

you happy eshit that he ain't ghost you

no tf i'm not
i rather him ghost me than be in a car wreck

yeen lying
i'll never play w em

i deadass told him about his reckless driving
i can't text and drive tho bye ily

This was so serious I ain't even turn on my music to listen to while I drive, I just turned my phone off and tried not to speed there

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