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Yuuma made a stop in front of a gate with security details all around, armed to the teeth. "We have arrived at the GhulForschungsGesellschaft or Ghoul Research Association, short for GFG," Yuuma said, paying a toll gate fee before driving in. 

"I used our connection to get a first-class certificate in biochemistry from one of the universities in the capital to be able to request an audience with the person you wanted to meet. Of course, I majored in Chemistry before I was employed by your father, so starting a conversation was easy. Even if I didn't, he was interested in hiring quality graduates to help in his research, so I could have gotten in nonetheless," Yuuma explained matter-of-factly. 

"I mentioned that my sponsor is interested in his work and would like to sponsor him as well. It was at that moment he welcomed the notion of you coming over here to see him," Yuuma continued.

Shuu simply listened, hoping that his plan would work. He knew he wasn't a frightening genius like some people he knew, but what he was good at was setting reasonable goals and plans to come together to give a desired result. This meeting was a crucial monument to one of his grand plans for the future. He decided to fully exploit the fact that he kept his memories and set goals and plans in motion for a brighter tomorrow.

Yuuma pulled in front of the door of the research facility, quickly dusting and cleaning his suit before leaving the car. After being sent flying into a concrete pillar half an hour ago, he walked in front of Shuu's door and opened it for the latter.

Shuu came out of the Mercedes gracefully, catching the attention of some female German interns who were shocked to see such a handsome specimen at their facility. Shuu simply smiled and followed Yuuma, who led the way inside.

Yuuma was greeted by some men and women in lab coats, having met them before, deeming him a bright scholar and a possible addition to their ranks in the facility. Yuuma simply smiled and waved, walking towards an elevator. Shuu and Yuuma entered the elevator, but the latter started inputting different numbers and letters as if to put in a password. The lights in the elevator soon turned red, initiating the descent.

The descent lasted for a while until the elevator parted its doors for the duo to leave. Shuu hid his amazement when he walked in. What he saw before him was the stuff of movies: vats containing humans and ghouls, machinery, basic robots running different tasks, and people in lab coats watching experiments and recording their findings.

"How did you even gain clearance to this place?" Shuu looked at his retainer suspiciously.

"I might be weak for now, but I have strength in other areas, Shuu-sama," Yuuma replied with a smile, closing his eyes and shrugging his shoulders.

A thin-looking man with a bob that covered the entirety of his eyes approached Yuuma while waving his hand. He was of average height, had black hair, and was clean-shaven. "Ah, young Yuuma! How are you? Is that the sponsor you talked about? He's so young!" The man said energetically as he approached the duo.

"Greetings, Doctor Chigyou, as you said earlier, this is indeed my sponsor, Tsukiyama Shuu! The heir to the Tsukiyama family," Yuuma proclaimed proudly.

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