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Shuu knew that staying in his sitting position in front of one of the top disciples in his set was unwise if they decided to get physical with him. But Shuu remained as he was and let his cells recuperate his body as fast as they could. He is stronger than most would imagine him to be but would prefer to just do what he came here for and leave.

"Hey new guy, we saw the way you stood up to that snub Bob. That was really cool of you even though you got decked for it, hahaha." One of the disciples said. He had short black hair and slit eyes that he hardly opened fully. He was of average height and had a lean build with a name tattoo on his wrist that read 'Wanderer' in Chinese.

"Yeah even though you were mighty slow you still didn't spill a single drop on your first day. That's a record in our clan since the founder. Senior Bob is supposed to give you a gift to commemorate your achievement but I think he is a mixture of jealousy and anger right now." A female disciple with a brown fitting sleeveless to with short brown hair and a slender body complimented Shuu.

"Anyway, shouldn't you be running over to the cafeteria now... It's too late anyway. Those guys would eat you alive if you got in their way. The food is shared for everyone here equally by the seniors but how we share it amongst each other is up to us. The seniors don't do anything and observe, they only intervene if cannibalism is about to start which is more often than none. I am Mark by the way." A disciple with shoulder-length black hair that was swept back and a muscular frame looked at the mob that attacked the tables before them with the ferocity of piranhas.

"Oh, and I am Gin." The boy with short black hair and slit eyes introduced himself.

"And I am Ashley. There is no need to introduce yourself. You are already popular here." The brunette introduced herself.

These three are toping their set and were rumoured to pass graduation and achieve the next discipleship level. Shuu limited himself to a nod. He looked at the open cafeteria and noticed that the food fights were coming to a stop with some not having any to eat, some having eaten a helping and others completely filling their stomachs. But one area in the cafeteria was untouched, unsullied, left as it was. And at the centre of it all was Torvald!

Torvald was on his own alone at the table and was eating in peace with plates in front of him uncontested at all. The scene surprised Shuu. All the other disciples were fighting for extra helpings, meanwhile in front of Torvald were enough helpings to fill a table for ten.

"Why isn't anyone taking from the table Torvald is sitting at?" Shuu asked.

"Oh, that's simple. Although we three entered the sect last year, that hulk of a boy called Torvald has been here longer than us and has long established a hierarchy here. Usually, any new daring disciple that dared approach Torvald while he was eating might become a meal themselves. There was a time he almost fed on a disciple to death until the seniors separated him and his 'meal'. Because of his size and strength, it took two seniors from the inner disciple level to separate him from that unfortunate disciple, he was punished with a ban from graduation that year. Hahaha, crazy guy!" Ashley giggled to herself.

Three students with bite marks and scratches on their bodies came to the group with two plates each. They served Mark, Ashley and Gin two plates each respectively, bowed a little and left their presence. Shuu was once again surprised at the gestures and actions these disciples just made.

'Heh, reminds me of school hostels. Good times.' Shuu thought but his senses pricked up when he heard and saw Ashley biting into her meat slowly as if trying to get a reaction from him. He unintentionally decided to also see how his body would react to that but his Rc cells have been pushed their limits repeatedly for the past few months since he came into this world. His Rc cells haven't fully registered the meaning of long rest to even turn him into a petty ghoul that can't control their hunger. But that was not the only reason he couldn't even give a satisfactory reaction, to get that one would need to keep pushing him to the point where he almost loses himself to his base instincts for survival like how Tian Jr almost did.

"Hmm, I thought you would lash out at me. But that would have ended badly for you." Ashley teased and pointed to Gin, Marcus and the ghouls that had just served them now with her eyes to establish dominance over this new talent and put him in a position where he could be used. Shuu smiled and got up but his action alone made the rest of the group alert but he paid them no heed and picked up his cauldron and went down the plateau.

"Ah, Ashley I think you scared the boy a bit much. You don't want that new talent to be broken mentally or do something stupid like looking for humans in the state that he is." Gin said while smiling.

"Oh come on now Gin. If he really is that weak he wouldn't last here. Besides, disciples of higher levels usually do their training and missions at night so as for doing something stupid he won't. He probably wants to hide his embarrassing state of hunger, he might faint before he makes it halfway down the mountain." Ashley said with a giggle.

"Ashley, that was a bit harsh but necessary. If he is that weak, he is not useful to us." Mark commented and led the group to an empty table where they could sit and eat.

Shuu was having a hard time seeing since it was a moonless night. He also didn't want to use his Kakugan since he could probably unlock another passive skill. As he managed his descent down the mountain, he came across a slippery path and almost let go of the cauldron at his lower back.

"Coupled with my weights, this thing is heavy, but one thing I do know that most ghouls don't is how easily our bodies adapt and the strength gains are incredibly faster than the average human. I will get used to this soon-"Shuu said but was interrupted when he saw what seemed to be a clothed disciple basically gliding through the air with a cauldron on their back!

Shuu looked at that scene that lasted for a second in his mind and replayed it over and over again.

'Who was that? It was as if the person wasn't even lifting anything behind their back. This thing can be a pain since the weight acts on the waist. This training is definitely not for humans who would have a hard time healing their sine and posture afterwards.' Shuu thought.

'Anyway, I am not here for the theatrics. If I can finish this in a year, it would only make me achieve my goal faster. Tian Jr, Bob Li you two just wait for me. I will surpass all expectations. I will make it. I will uncover the reason behind my transmigration. And soon, one day, one day, I will apologize for the time lost, for severing the connection I have with my family. One day.' Shuu thought as he was reinvigorated and slid down the slippery path as if he wore roller skates.

At the peak of a mountain, not too far from the outer disciple's mountain plateau. Two figures stood at the peak of a mountain and the wind behaved strangely around them as they observed a figure descending down the mountain.

"Master is that the boy you talked about." Someone commented behind Tian Jr.

"Haha, yes indeed. He is one of the new talents and one of the nine that could give you an interesting fight." Tian Jr. said as he rolled his eyeballs to the right side to see the person's reaction behind him without turning. The person remained calm as if quietly accepting Tian Jr.'s words but at the same time seeing the futility in those words.

"In fact, one of them might just take the title of 'Wind Lord' and not just finally meet the 'Wind Emperor' for insights and final techniques but also would have the right to challenge the 'Wind Emperor' however they want." Tian jr added. The person behind him flinched at that statement and turned their head toward the outer disciple mountain plateau.

"Hmm. We will wait and see then." The person said as their long hair flowed in the wind.


Fifty thousand words! Let's get this! Road to a million words! Heavenly Enel a million times! Heavenly Enel for ten seasons! Heavenly Enel forever!

Soon Heavenly Merch! This could be us but you are playing!

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