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He reached the part of the mountain where he met the martial school and landed on his feet after doing a flip on his last air launch that landed him on a flat surface. He activated his Kakugan immediately and used presence manipulation at the same time.

The disciplines of the martial school looked like they had just seen a ghost, the master on the other hand wore a wide-teethed smile on his face and waited for the foreigner's next action.

Shuu activated his kakugan to quickly scan the area and then laid his eyes on the master. Shuu let out a hot steamy breath and envisioned himself appearing before the master and willed his muscles to do so. Since this wasn't the first time he had tried dashing forward but doing it in an instant it was almost natural for his body to obey the orders sent from his brain.

The female disciple that was near the master thought the foreigner was just being dumb but not dumb enough to attack the master directly... right? Her eyes widened as her doubts were confirmed and felt danger and killing intent directed at her master.

'This ant dares look at the honoured one like that?!' She thought and felt Shuu's trajectory path with her trained senses. She rushed forward to intercept Shuu just before Shuu's body flickered from its initial position. She dived low and delivered a spinning kick to Shuu's incoming body. With the force applied on her leg and Shuu's momentum, that was a sure knockout if not another coma-inducing attack.

Shuu saw the way she left her position but had trouble following the way she moved her body even though she was moving in a straight path.

'This is the same movement technique her maser used. It's too late, I can't predict it... I can't... wait...' Shuu then remembered Kagawa back in high school from his home world. Kagawa was an exceptional defending talent in Shuu's football team. Shuu being a forward would do defensive and attacking drills with and against Kagawa each day they train. Kagawa had been the best defensive talent in the states league and rumours have it that he was linked to a club in Europe named Nottingham Forest. In one of their training drills, Shuu approached Kagawa for advice since he wanted to improve his game and striking options by being a defensive forward.

"Ha, since you are in front you have it easy. You dribble as if you are ten per cent Brazillian." Kagawa joked but then got down to business.

"You see when you do your legovers or stepovers, I don't look at your legs." Kagawa said and paused. If Kagawa didn't have Shuu's attention he sure did now.

"My eyes are always on the ball. It is sometimes difficult when you play against dribbling maestros whose goal is to bring shame to you and your family name by leaving you sprawled on the ground or chasing a ghost, hahaha. Sometimes I anticipate their movements by the slight twitch in their feet, though you have to be experienced in that aspect to know the difference between a feint and a twitch. What I lack now is the experience in anticipation like some great Italian defenders amongst others." Kagawa said making hand gestures while looking at his boots.

"Haha, I have spoken too much again. Let's train harder once more since we are going up against the defending champions tomorrow captain!" Kagawa said as he was the first to get up and offered his hand to an astonished Shuu. Shuu laughed and took his hand.

That memory flashback only lasted for half a second as he prepared himself mid-rush in a guarded boxing position. The kick he couldn't read seemingly came out of nowhere and aimed for his head. Shuu hid a smile under his raised arms, all he needed was just to see the attack and not the way she moved even though it was instant.

Shuu instantly grabbed her leg, bent it forward in one quick motion and continued his path towards the master. To the eyes of the lower disciples, the movements of both parties were obviously blurry but could only make out someone falling forward and muffling their scream and the other making their way towards their master.

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