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"Tres bien Matsumae! Now why don't get serious and come at me with your kagune?" Shuu said as he beckoned her.

Matsumae was a bit shocked that a full-powered kick from her with all her strength behind it only pushed him back a little. She knew she would gain the upper hand once she used her kagune but treated the matter as a light spar, not a training session. But Shuu's taunt was breaking her rational wall a little.

"Humph, you barely took my kick head on and now you are asking-" Matsumae decided to taunt back instead but saw Shuu appear in front of her with a smile on his face in front of her, this time she barely followed his movement.

"If you don't, I'll touch somewhere inappropriately in front of the others." Shuu said with a serious expression and struck at her chest but Matsumae blocked just in time.

'Is he faster now? Was he holding back? You dare hold back Shuu?' Thoughts ran through Matsumae's head as her sclera turned black and her iris red. She was now fighting at her full capacity.

Her speed, strength, and durability increased a little and blocked Shuu's quick jabs at her chest. She did not have the luxury to bob and weave as Shuu was faster than before. Shuu saw this but refused to respond in kind by activating his eyes.

The black sclera and red iris of a ghoul are not triggered by concentration in combat only but also by strong emotions, choice, hunger, and even pain. Still, activating it as a ghoul brings one to their full battle prowess. The eye is called kakugan.

Shuu simply imagined how calm and unfazed Arima would be in this situation. The calm part was hard, the unfazed part was almost unbelievable. Whether it is a spar or an actual fight, there is usually tension and one-second decisiveness in the atmosphere, the search for openings here and there, and the ability to also outwit your opponent while thinking ahead in the fight.

Someone like Arima who didn't have any special eye power like some anime characters that enabled them to predict their opponent's moves or slow down their opponents, could still fight like those that had that advantage in battle. The man was born to be a battle god indeed. Shuu adored this about Arima as he kept sending jabs to Matsumae in close quarters.

Matsumae was getting irritated and became wary of the barrage of jabs because they were getting heavier and faster. Her body shook wildly while absorbing the impact of Shuu's jabs.

'Shuu asked for heavier bracelets, could it be that his body is now used to 800kg on him? What's going on? His jabs are actually getting faster and heavier, If I keep this up I will only accumulate damage and expend my stamina recovering.' Matsumae thought as she gritted her teeth and released her kagune from the ground again to give herself some breathing room. 

Shuu noticed this and quickly cartwheeled forward with one arm and used the other arm to fetch a pen from his pocket and sent it flying to Matsumaes thigh. Shuu landed just in time in front of her as the tentacle wall behind him erected itself to the ceiling.

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