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"Something better? A new creature? You are speaking in parables again, Tsukiyama-san." Hide protested.

"Just call me Shuu, please." Shuu replied as he watched the clouds drift slowly.

"Right, Shuu... Shuu-san, I hope I don't end up being someone's experiment." Hide asked with a sheepish smile.

"How can you always be so spot on every time?" Shuu smiled back at Hide in amazement.

"Wha-Wha-NANI!?" Hide's expression turned gloomy quickly after Shuu confirmed his doubts.

"Well, the success of the surgery is up to you and the doctor really. If the doctor's findings, research, and experience aren't enough... you might die, but if your will to live isn't also strong enough, you will definitely die." Shuu said as he focused his gaze on Hide.

"You bastard! Why don't you just kill me already?" Hide complained.

'That's it, but your hate is not nearly enough. I really need you to pull through for this one Hide-kun.' Shuu thought as he devised plans in his head.

"I'll give you seven-no eight years to get strong enough to stop me from devouring Kaneki. Well if you die before you even get the chance it would have been too late." Shuu said coldly.

"I can always leave an anonymous call to the CCG..." Hide said cockily but began to run simulations in his head in real-time.

'This bastard is no ordinary ghoul. From the way he talks, walks, and where he lives, he might not have any problems disappearing. He would have already killed Kaneki before fleeing this place. Since he gave me a chance to mess him up in the future, I will definitely try my hardest. But if he tries to touch Kaneki, I wouldn't mind giving my life to ensure his safety.' Hide concluded and retracted his earlier statement.

"Fine, when is the surgery?"

A month passed and the hospital that Mairo had acquired was prepped and ready for Doctor Chigyou to use without any external or internal interference. The nurses that were assigned to Doctor Chigyou had their backgrounds checked and offered large sums of money and a contract to keep their lips sealed about the surgery. The surgery was successful, and Hide was transported out of the hospital, a different being.

Aliza was sent to the foster care organization in the twentieth quarter. Just the mention of the Tsukiyama family name got her a direct meeting with the chairperson. Her request was fulfilled that same day, and Hide's foster dad was compensated fully. Hide was assigned a room in the Tsukiyama mansion and Mirumo found no fault in that as long as Shuu wasn't taking him in to eat him later.

Hide slept for a whole day before waking up the following morning. He opened his eyes and could observe the sun rays that illuminated the room he was in. He observed many different colours on just a ray of sunlight.

'Is the sun supposed to have that many colours?' Hide thought as he observed his surroundings while shielding his eyes.

"Where am I?" Hide asked, his surroundings were rather spacious for a single room. Everything around him looked luxurious and expensive.

"Don't tell me I am at that bastard's house?" Hide exclaimed as he quickly jumped out of bed.

"You are certainly referring to another person right?"

"What!?" Hide turned around quickly and saw Shuu in a school uniform.

"You go to school? How?" Hide was surprised by Shuu's attire.

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