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Dad is flying to Dhaka today

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Dad is flying to Dhaka today. Just like he mentioned over dinner about leaving in a few days, here he is, sticking to his word. Aryan and I are at the airport, seeing him off.

“Call me once you land. Have a safe flight, Dad,” I say softly. He gives me a warm smile. “You too.” I knit my brows, trying to decipher his response, and the sight of his exchanged smiles with Aryan further deepens my puzzlement, as if they knows something that I’m yet to grasp.

Dad engages in a brief conversation with Aryan and even after the dinner that night, the lingering awkwardness persists between them, though slightly diminished from before. They gaze at each other for a moment and then somehow initiate a conversation. Yes, this scenario repeats each time they need to discuss something.

I stand next to Aryan, gazing at Dad's departing figure until it slowly dissolves into the distance. A sudden touch on my hand startles me, drawing my gaze downwards to find Aryan's hand entwined with mine. His fingers gently trace a path into mine, enveloping me in a firm yet warm grasp.

“Let's go,” he murmurs, starting to walk, tugging me along. “Yes, I know we're heading home but why the rush?” I ask, slightly puzzled, but obediently trailing after him.

“No, we're not heading home. We're going to California,” he states with such calm assurance, as if he hasn't just dropped a bombshell. “California? Now? Why?” I attempt to halt his steps, but his grip on my hand remains firm, and he keeps walking.

“I remember someone mentioning they needed a work break,” He stresses each word, making it totally obvious he is talking about that night when I talked with dad about it. A grin instinctively etches itself upon my lips.

“But I didn’t inform my workpl-” I barely get a chance to finish my sentence before he interjects, “I've handled that.”

“I can't take long breaks, and you're aware of that,” I mention.

-“We're off for a few days, so that shouldn't be a problem for you.”

-“What about my clothes? I'm not ready yet.”

-“We can buy whatever you need.”

-“I didn't find any available flights to California at this hour. How are we going to -”

-“We'll be using my private jet,”


Before I can say more, he halts and looks back at me. “I've arranged everything we require. No need to worry”

I decide to stop asking him any further questions and silently trail his path to wherever he is taking me.

Just as he mentioned, we flew off to California on his private jet. Even though I was totally shocked by the surprise, I genuinely feel he made the right choice with this unexpected gesture, because if he had told me in advance, I’m sure I'd have overthought it, hesitated, and probably ended up declining, saying, 'Nope, got to focus on work; relaxation can wait.'”

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