Paint Wars

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*Violets POV*

We walked around Walmart for a few more minutes after we had that Elmo episode, and somehow we ended up at the paint section. This can't end well.

"Hey Vi, can I call you that? Anyway, we need to paint our guest room, can we stop here?" Rian asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded.

Once they found the color they liked, they insisted that throwing the paint cans in the air would be a good idea, to see if the paint was 'good'. I didn't know the logic behind Jack's reasoning and to be honest, I didn't care.

They all grabbed a can, and that's when all hell broke loose.

Alex dropped his can, and the noise scared the others into dropping theirs. In the blink of an eye, the floor, Alex, Jack, Rian, Zack and I were covered in bright blue paint. We all looked around at each other before laughing. That was not what I expected. Once we stopped laughing, we heard a deep voice booming through out the store.

"What the hell happened here? You kids are in so much trouble!"

With that being said, we all looked at one another, before running. Sadly, paint isn't a good thing to have on your shoes while running. I learned that the hard way. Me being the clumsy person I am, slipped and landed funny on my wrist. I didn't even have to look to know it was bruised, and at least fractured.

Zack noticed me on the ground holding my wrist, and ran back to get me. I thought he was just going to get me back on my feet and run again, but instead he picked me up bridal style and ran with me in his arms. With the hand that was not broken, I wrapped my arm around his neck so I wouldn't fall. The smirk on Zack's face told me I was blushing, and it was only then that I realized I actually was. Great.

Once that was all over, Zack and I ran outside to see all the others there. I was so busy trying not to cry because of the pain in my wrist to realize that I was still in Zack's arms.

All the guys looked at us, then to each other before letting out an "awww!" I blushed, yet again. It took a second, but Jack had seen my wrist and told me to get in their van.

"Woah, are you guys gonna kidnap me?" I asked half joking, half seriously.

Jack just laughed before explaining to me that they were not in fact kidnappers and they were driving me to the hospital to get my wrist checked out.

"What about my car?" I asked.

"Lover boy over here, will pick it up while you get a cast put on."

Lover boy?

I looked around, a confused expression on my face until I locked eyes with a blushing Zack. Aww that's adorable!

When we reached the hospital, they told me it was in fact broken. I think my doctor was confused and shocked to see 5 grown adults covered in paint, but he didn't question it. Thankfully.

Zack went to go get my car, while I got my wrist washed, very carefully to get rid of the paint, and covered in a blue cast. I got blue to remind me of how I broke it, some people might say that's stupid but I really thought it was funny.

When I walked out of the room Jack jumped around the corner screaming something incoherent.
"Jack. JACK! JACK! Calm down, I can't understand you!" I said with a laugh.

"I said, can I sign your cast first?" He explained.

"Uh no, it was your idea to throw the paint, and that got her into this mess" Rian said. "So therefore, I get to sign it first!"

"But you didn't do anything to stop it! So I should sign it first!" Alex jumped into the argument.

I watched amused. That was until I felt a tap on my shoulder. There stood Zack, with an adorably shy smile on his face, and a marker in his hand.

"May I?" He said, gesturing to my cast.
I looked up, smiled, then nodded my head.

He signed his name in huge letters, with a heart at the end. I smiled and blushed as I looked at it. He just chuckled at my reaction. The other three boys were still arguing, so I interupted their conversation by shoving my wrist in their face, and asking Zack for his marker.

They looked so sad that they weren't the first to sign it. And Rian proved my point by saying something I didn't expect, well from him anyway.

"Aw lover boy beat us to it! And he signed his name with a heart. Double awwww!"

I laughed and looked back to Zack. He wasn't blushing this time, he just shrugged and shook his head, amused.

The boys all took their time signing it. Rian just signed his name with a smiley face, Alex wrote that he was sorry that he covered me in paint, with a winky face at the end. Then Jack wrote something that made me blush. Written in big letters was "I love Vi more than Zack does!"

Once Alex saw that, he took my cast once again and wrote "no he doesn't!" With an arrow pointing to Jack's statement. Zack saw this and pulled me into a hug, and I buried my face into his shoulder, blushing an even darker red. I heard Alex try to whisper, "see I told you!"

"Guys, stop embarrassing the poor girl!" Zack defended me. Thank God.

"So lover boys protecting her now, aye?" I don't even know who said this, but I looked up to see Zack blushing. That's honestly adorable. I can't believe this is happening to me. I met four incredibly hot, funny, sweet, and sometimes a bit annoying guys in Walmart. But no matter how annoying their teasing got, I knew it was all for fun, and I would probably do the same thing.

"You know Vi, you're different from most girls. You take all our shit jokes and teasing. I like you." Alex said. I shrugged, "that's just who I am, I guess." I smiled.

"Do you guys wanna head back to my place? I'd love to get to know you guys better." I said with a small, awkward smile.

They all nodded their heads at me.

I stuck my arm out like superman, and yelled "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! OTHERWISE KNOWN AS MY APARTMENT!" I got a bunch of strange looks from the people in the waiting room, but oh well. And with that we were off!

Alright guys! I hope that was creative enough for you! The next chapter will be a filler I guess. Its them getting to know each other. Im gonna try and make it interesting, but it leads up to something I have planned! This was a long chapter, I hope you liked it!

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