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*Vi's POV*

Tonight was the LA show, and the guys said they had a surprise for me. Well, more specifically, Alex and Jack did. Its gonna be bad, I can already tell. Today was Monday, so that meant we had the interview today. We were going to explain what happened, and we're going to have to tell everyone that it was a date. I don't mind, I just would've preferred to wait a bit. But its all okay, its better than keeping it from the fans. Right now, I was getting my hair done by a stylist, she was straightening it, then putting it into a side braid.

Once she was done with that, she put on a light layer of foundation, eyeliner, and mascara and she told me to go get dressed. I was wearing a pair of purple denim shorts, and a PTV shirt, with my purple vans.

The guys were just finished getting ready when the producer told us we have 5 minutes until air. Those 5 minutes went by too fast for my liking, and we were soon being pushed out on the little stage. There were only room for 4 people to sit on the couch, so I sat in Zack's lap. This was about us, after all. He took my hand, and rested our intertwined hands on my lap.

"Okay, let's start with the business questions first." The interviewer, Scott, said. "You guys called and asked us to have an interview. This was right after this picture surfaced on twitter. So I assume that's what this is about?" He said, pointing to a picture of us on the screen. It then flashed to the one of Zack punching that dude.

"Um, yeah. We just wanted to explain what happened that night. Go ahead Vi." Alex said, letting me explain.

I was more nervous for this interview than anything else, there was a crowd of fans in front of us, and I didnt like it.

"Well, that night, Zack asked me to go on a date with him, and of course I said yes. Well we went to a pizza place right? Well, our waiter was a very, very bad guy, and slipped me his number. I tried to give it back, explaining that I was on a date. He didn't care, until Zack started telling him to go away. He did, finally noticing that Zack was much larger than him. We ate in peace, got the check, and as we were getting up to leave, the waiter decided it would be funny to slap my butt, and well that's when Zack got up, and punched him. So it was him protecting me from the waiter. It was sexual harassment you know, I would've done the same thing."

"I wasn't going to let him touch her like that, whether we were on a date or not." Zack said, squeezing my hand. The fans let out a loud aawwww, and I blushed, hiding my face in Zacks chest. This time, the guys fangirled, chanting 'Ziolet.'

"Now that we know the truth, is 'ziolet' officially dating?" Scott asked.

I opened my mouth to say that we weren't, but Zack beat me too it. "Not yet, maybe one day soon, but weve only been on two dates. Taking things slow is important to me, and I don't want to rush things."

"What he said." I agreed, making the fans laugh.

"So, boys, what did you think about this whole incident?" Scott asked the guys.

"I thought it was pretty bizarre, because Zack came in with bloody knuckles, and they didn't explain much." Rian said, speaking first.

"To me, I thought it was cute. For Zack to protect her like that, its awesome. We all care about Vi a lot, and we don't want things like that too happen. Plus, Zack works out a lot. Its no surprise to me that he did that. I mean that waiter must've broken something." Alex threw in his opinion.

"I can tell you that I heard a crunch, I assume his nose was broken." I said, laughing.

And finally, Jack just had to speak up.

"I thought it was funny. After Vi cleaned up his hand, the first thing she said to us, was that Zack looked really hot that night." The guys, and fans, all laughed at me as I buried my head into Zack's shoulder again.

"BARAKAT! That was mean!" I said, slapping his shoulder.

"Its payback for mocking me!"

"But that wasn't on TV! How much do you wanna bet that that's going to be on tumblr when we get home!" I said, laughing to show I wasn't upset.

"Sorry Vi" Jack said, laughing as well.

"You said that this was your second date with Zack, where was the first?" Scott asked, directing the question to me and Zack. Knowing that Zack wasn't one to talk much during interviews, I answered for him.

"He took me on a picnic, to this secluded forest place. It was quite cute. And that photo he tweeted out of him holding hands with some girl on a picnic blanket, that was me." I said, clearing up yet another rumor.

Zack lifted up our intertwined hands, showing them that it was indeed happening now.

"Okay, well, you're here so we might as well ask some questions about tour. How have the first two shows been?"

The interview continued on with questions similar to this, and we just went with it. Thankfully, Jack didn't tell any more embarrassing stories, well at least, not about me.


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