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*Vi's POV*
Today, we were flying to Europe. I was beyond excited, I've never been out of the country before, and I couldn't wait to explore. The guys and I had just finished getting our things together, and we were driving to the airport now. Surprisingly Matt was with us, so we all just conversed, like usual. Except Matt was with us. I liked Matt, he was cool and laid back.

Me and Zack were in the very back of the van, since no one wanted to sit with us, as we'd be "smashing faces" the whole time. That wasn't really the case with Zack and I. We kissed here and there, but we didn't have make out sessions in front of people, we preferred to just hold hands and cuddle.

The drive to the airport was quick, and we all gathered our stuff and headed inside. Matt went to the front desk, making sure everything was still on time. We sat at a table near the food places, and talked about the places we want to see while in Europe.

Matt ran back to us, a horrified expression on his face. "Guys, we have an issue."

We jumped up, urging Matt to explain further.

"Due to extreme weather in Europe, our flight was canceled and pushed to tomorrow, meaning we might not be able to hold a show tomorrow." He said, making us all upset. Immediately, we all took out our phones, tweeting the situation, making sure fans knew that the show might not be happening.

"What a great start to the UK leg of the tour, huh?" I said, trying to ease the tension. In return, the guys just glared at me. I put my hands up in defense, and say in Zack's lap as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "The guys get really uptight when stuff like this happens. They hate to upset the fans, they'd do anything to make them happy." He explained, making me smile. I really do wish they could meet every single one of their fans, they are the sweetest people ever. They're not stuck up in anyway, they genuinely want to make fans happy.

Instead of going back to my parents house, we decided to camp out at the airport. I'm not sure why, I just hope the guys won't get us kicked out. At least there's food here.

It was 5pm now, and our flight leaves at 6am, so we ate dinner, found a comfortable area to sleep in, and just talked to one another before we all fell asleep.

Rian woke us up the next morning, exclaiming that we had 5 minutes to get to the gate. It was all the way across the other side of the airport, so we had to run. Thankfully we went through security yesterday. We ran for what felt like hours, but in the end we finally got there. I was shocked go find out that we were in first class, the guys always told me how they never got the chance to fly first class.

We boarded the plane, me, Jack, and Rian in the row closest to the back of the area, Zack, Alex, and Matt in the row in front of us. The crew was somewhere else in first class, and basically we took over, there were only a few couples that filled the empty spaces. I wanted to sit next to Zack, but Jack wouldn't let me move. I fell asleep within the first hour, after laughing at Rian who kept poking Matt and annoying him. I woke up an hour and a half later, to see that we were scheduled to land at 4pm, UK time. All the guys were still up, talking or playing little games.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, since we were allowed to, and got comfortable. The chairs we were in, let you swivel in a full circle, so we were all facing each other. It was pretty cool, we all got to talk to each other.

I crossed my legs Indian style, and joined their converstion. "So you're telling me that you'd rather lose a leg, than get amnesia?!" Jack yelled to Zack.

"Hell yeah! I want to remember my past memories. There's certain events and people I wouldn't want to forget, plus, that means I'd have to learn how to play the bass again." He responded, laughing at Jacks expression.

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