Pool and Hospital Visits

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*Violet's POV*
The guys and I didn't have bathing suits, so we walked to the Walmart down the street. When we got there, I had a sudden realization. "Hey guys?"

They didn't even respond, they just made noises of acknowledgement.

"This is where we met. Awww! GROUP HUG!" I acted like an overly obsessed girl, pulling them all into a hug. Laughing it off, we walked to the bathing suit area. On the way there, we passed the paint. "Guys look! They didn't even clean up the paint we spilled!" Jack managed to speak, through his laughter.

"Uh we? I didn't do anything! And I was the one who ended up with a broken arm. That's so unfair." I said with a pout. "I agree, I didn't do anything either." Zack said, putting his arm around my shoulders. We were in the process of fist bumping, when I heard Alex mutter "Ziolet"

"You're just jealous!" Somehow, Zack and I managed to yell this at the same time, causing every one to laugh.

Once we all bought our bathing suits, I headed to the grocery area and bought garbage bags, and plastic wrap to cover up my cast while in the pool. I think the guys were smart enough to understand that, for once. Obviously I'm joking. They're actually really intelligent.

We made it to the pool, and surprisingly it was empty. This is good, we won't cause anyone any trouble. It was 98 degrees out, as it was the middle of June. I wrapped up my arm, and was ready to jump in. We swam for about 20 minutes until the guys had decided to play chicken. Since there was an odd number of us, I sat out and was going to play the winner of the previous round. Alex had Zack on his shoulders, don't ask how, Zack is like 3 times stronger than Alex, I think their thinking wasn't right today. Rian had jack on his shoulders. I was the ref, telling them it was good to start.

Jack barely put up a fight, and within seconds was pushed off Rian's shoulders, into the pool. I gave them all a high five, and got out of the pool so it was easier to get into Rians shoulders. Once I was settled, the trouble began. I looked Zack in the eye and smirked. He looked nervous, and I think it was because he was afraid of me getting hurt. I actually put up a good fight, and it took about three minutes until I was knocked over. Before I could even blink, my head made contact with the cement pool wall, and all I saw was black as the water filled my lungs.

*Zack's POV*
This was why I was nervous to go up against Vi, I was afraid I was going to hurt her, and that's exactly what happened. God, I'm stupid.

I was the first to react to what happened, Alex was jumping around happily, and Rian was sulking that they had lost. I don't even know where jack was, but at the moment I don't care. My main priority was to make sure Vi was okay.

"SOMEONE CALL 911!" I screamed. All I saw was a pool of blood coming from Vi's head, and dripping onto the cement.

"Please Vi, please be okay. Im so sorry for this. Please just be okay." I muttered under my breath, praying she'd be okay. Jack was the closest to a phone, as he was tanning on the chair next to our stuff. Thank god.

Within two minutes, and ambulance was parked out front, and two guys in uniforms brought out a stretcher to bring Vi to the ER.

"Only one per-" The ambulance person was cut off by me jumping in the back of the van with Vi.

Before the door closed, I could hear Rian scream "we will be there soon!"

God, I hope she's okay. This is all my fault.

*two hours later*

It had been two hours since we've heard from the doctor, and I was sitting in the waiting room, with tears running down my face, and my hands and legs were shaking. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Rian. "Dude, calm down. She'll be okay. I know what you're thinking and this is not your fault. Accidents happen! You might not be able to control them but its gonna be okay." Rian was always the closest with Vi, and hearing that made me feel a little bit better.

We waited for another 45 minutes before we heard from the doctor. "She's in stable condition, she had to get 33 stitches across her head, but she shouldn't have any issues remembering who you are or anything. You're free to see her, if you'd like."

We jumped up, and I gently pushed everyone out of the way to get into her room first.

"You really like her, don't you?" Alex asked. I looked back, smiling and blushing, before nodding. "Yeah, I do."

I turned the handle, and there sat Vi, a little paler than normal, with a cut across her forehead. I immediately felt bad. "Hey Vi, how ya doing?" I shyly asked. I really really felt bad. "I'm doing fine Zack." She said with a small smile.

*Vi's POV*
I heard a few guys talking, and the door handle click. I looked up and a blushing Zack followed by Alex, Rian, and Jack came into my room. "Hey Vi, how ya doing?" Zack asked, smiling shyly. God he was so adorable.

"I'm doing fine Zack." I replied with a small smile.

The guys all came up to me and hugged me, before engulfing me in a group hug. "Hey, can I talk to Vi alone?" Zack asked. They all nodded and left me and Zack alone. "What's up, Zack?"

"Um, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for all this. It was all my fault, I shoulve been more careful. I promise I'll help you with anything you need, I'll be there. Plus, I feel like we always find a way to get you hurt, and I feel bad." He rambled on and on, and truthfully, it was cute, but its okay, it was an accident. And that's what I told him, minus the cute part. I took his hands in mine to bring him closer to me so I could kiss his cheek.

"Zack, its okay! But I'm holding you up to your promise! You better be there to help me control those boys when I get a headache." I said, slightly laughing.

"It's a deal then, let me get the guys back in here." He said, knocking on the door, signaling that they can come back in.

"Ooh a kiss on the cheek? Progress I see." Rian said with a smirk. I blushed, and saw Zack doing the same.

"Cmon guys, I promised Vi that I'd help her with your craziness,so please no teasing." Zack said, with a slight smirk.

For the next few hours, doctors came in and out checking up on me, while the guys kept me company.

"Hey guys?" I spoke up. "You know, weve only known each other for like what, a day? But I consider you guys my best friends. Brothers even." I said with a huge smile on my face.

In unison, they all let out an over exaggerated "aw"

And that's how my night went, in a hospital room with my 4 best friends.

This is longer than I wanted it to be but oh well. Hope you enjoyed that little plot twist. If you can call it that.

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