Time Flies When You're Having Fun

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*Vi's POV*
We're about two months into the tour, I could not be happier with how things are going. The boys and I are closer than ever, we haven't even had an argument yet! Well, besides the playful ones but that's bound to happen when you're best friends are guys that have to have a sarcastic remark to everything you say.

Not only have the boys' fanbase grown, mine has too. Traveling the world and seeing all the different people on different continents screaming the lyrics back to you is one of the most incredible feelings ever.

My relationship with Zack has been nothing but smooth sailing, the guys find it fun to make fun of us when we wake up in the morning to find our necks covered in deep purple love bites. I love them to death, but sometimes they can be a bit too much.

We also decided that we're going to start another prank war.... Eventually. We'll see how that works out.

Right now, we're in Miami, Florida. The weather is gorgeous, it's our day off, and we're sat in the sand reminiscing about all the fun times we've had.

"Do you guys remember how we met?" Alex asked, making us all look at him like he just asked the stupidest question ever, which, was kind of true.

"No shit, Alex. Of course we remember! That was one of the best days of my life, if I'm honest. Do you think the floor is still tinted blue from all the paint we spilled?" Jack asked, starting to laugh.

Honestly, we were a bit tipsy, so things seemed funnier than they actually were.

"Oh do you guys remember when we got kicked out of the diner? That was pretty insane!" I said, giggling to myself.

"That happened like, seven times, Vi, you gotta be more specific." Zack said, making me laugh even harder. It wasn't even that funny, but I laughed so hard I started crying, making the guys laugh too.

Once we calmed down, we fell into a comfortable silence. We just looked at each other, smiling. We were all thinking the same thing, we were lucky to be where we are today, with the people we have surrounding us at this very moment.

I lifted my half empty beer, and said a toast.

"Here's to the good, the bad, and the indescribable days. Here's to the memories we've made, and the years to come. To the heartfelt conversations at two in the morning, and the times where we're too drunk to remember what happened the night before. To the shows we preform every night, and the dinners we have as a family. Here's to friendship, to family, to never letting go and always having each others backs. It's been a wild ride, and it's not over yet. Cheers!" I yelled, clinking my bottle with everyone else's.

I looked around as my friends were deep in conversation. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to meet the love of my life, and my newfound family. Never mind traveling the world and making my dream a reality. I took one last look at the people who made my life amazing, and smiled as I leaned back in my beach chair and took a sip of my beer. Man, life is great.

IM SORRY IT WAS SO SHORT OMG GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPLOADED IN FOREVER I HAD SCHOOL AND I FORGOT AND MY BOYFRIEND AND I SPEND LIKE EVERYDAY TOGETHER IM SO SORRY! anyway, I got the hickey thing from past experience because recently my boyfriend gave me hickeys that I couldn't cover and my friends made fun of me for like, a week.

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