The good, the better, and the messy

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*Vi's POV*
Another month has passed, and things are still getting better. The boys and I have made so many incredible memories that I know I will never forget. From jumping off hotel balconies into pools, to sitting in on of our hotel rooms enjoying a beer and laughing at stupid jokes that get funnier as the night goes on.

Today, we're in none other than Texas. I've never been, but I think so far, it's so over looked. There are so many beautiful areas that we've seen just heading to the hotel. Right now, it's about 3 PM, and we're squished in a van meant for 5, when in all there's about 8 of us. I haven't even met the other people in the van and right now, I couldn't care less. I just want to get there and nap. Tour life is tiring.

Once we get to our respective rooms, we unpack. We didn't have a show tonight so we all decided on going out to a club to let loose and have some fun. We all decided to get ready in Zack and I's room. How the five of us are gonna do it, I have no idea.

I call dibs on the bathroom first, and bring my curling iron into the bathroom. I recently bought a dress that the guys haven't seen yet, so I decided on wearing that. It's a short, red dress, that has a sweetheart neckline and cut outs on the sides, just below my boobs. It fits me just right and hugs all my curves, also giving me a little bit of extra cleavage.

It takes me 45 minutes to curl my hair and apply my makeup. I decided to keep it a bit natural, it's going to be dark and hot in there anyway, so I don't really mind.

The guys finish getting ready one by one, and I do have to say, they look amazing.

We all file out of the room and into the elevator. Zack and I were the last ones in, and he took advantage of it, smacking my ass when I walked in.

When we got to the club, it wasn't too packed, giving us a little bit more freedom. We immediately go to the bar and grab some drinks. We snag a table near the corner and just talk for a little bit, before deciding to go dance. Zack immediately grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him, while I turn my head to look at him. I can feel his bulge against me, making me giggle. He pushes my hair to one side, giving him full access to my neck, leaving love bites all over it. I move my ass against him, making him release a moan as he continues sucking on my neck.

I turn around once he's finished, and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands remain on my waist, as we dance and watch the idiots I call my best friends try to steal the microphone away from the announcer guy. I'm not sure what he was actually, he didn't really say anything, just kind of stood there. It was creepy actually.

Slowly, we all found our way back to our table for a small break. I took the opportunity to buy us all a round of shots, in preparation for a toast.

When I got back to the table, I set the tray down and passed everyone a glass.

"I just wanted to say thank you to all of you. Not only have you managed to become my best friends, you made my dreams come true. As cliche as it sounds, you guys are the best things that have ever happened to me. So here's to us, to the future, and the great memories we make along the way! Cheers!"

We all raised our glasses, being tipsy enough to spill some. After my little speech we went separate ways for the night. Zack and I stayed at the table, watching Alex and jack jump over the bar and spray everyone with the soda hose thing.

You can guess where that got us.

Rian, Zack, and I tried to stop them, jumping over the bar as well. It took a few minutes, getting soaked in the process, but we finally managed to get them away from the sticky substance.

We ran out of the club, making sure we had all of our things before doing so. We stood, waiting for our van as we all dripped with soda. The only thought going through my head right now, was that this is going to be a bitch to was out.

Once we got back to our hotel room, I decided to drag Zack into the shower with me. Nothing happened, we just thought it would be easier than having someone stand out on the balcony until they stopped dripping. It was about 3 in the morning by the time we were clean and ready to head to bed. I threw on a pair of sweats and a sports bra before knocking out, cuddling against Zacks bare chest.

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