It's Just Us: San x Wooyoung (Ateez)

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Summary: The world ended, leaving just them two. Or is it?

Contains violence, mpreg and cuss words. Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable. I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes I may have missed!

Type: Mpreg and Fantasy
Word Count: 1498

San held his back pack close to him, walking through the empty streets as he sighed. At this point, he has gotten use to the stillness, the quietness, the no longer bustling streets as he looked down at the crumbled street.

The air was cool, a bit ashy, but he couldn't care less. Broken glass crunched under his feet from the broken windows from the small stores that littered this once small town. His shoes were scuffed up as his hands were dry, face dirty, hair messy, and his lips chapped.

But he didn't care about his appearance, he only cared about surviving. San has seen things. Done things. Done things he wish he never had. Done things he thought he would've never have to do. Seen things he wished he could unsee. But at the end of the day, he couldn't complain, because he was still here.

Wanting to get out of the sun, San walked into a convenience store. A store that once held many people. People looking for snacks, drinks, company, and to meet friends or loved ones. Now, it held no one. The shelves were knocked over, but bags of food still laid sprawled out, and bottles of water still littered the small drink shelves.

Taking a few things that seemed durable to eat, San opened his back pack, shoving food in before zipping up. Opening the water bottle, he took a few sips, feeling the water coat his throat, bringing him at ease as he took a deep breath.

He was tired, but he was scared to rest. Too scared to sleep in this place. Taking a seat on the ground, he decided to just rest for a minute. Eat something small to gain some energy, and relax his feet before he kept moving. Leaning his head back against the wall, he went to close his eyes, just for minute, but something, something made him open them.


He could've sworn he heard someone walking. Shuffling of the feet as he felt his body turn cold. Goosebumps littered his arms and the back of his neck as he held his breath, almost afraid they could hear him breathing. Reaching for his knife, he gripped it in his palm tightly. His knuckles turning white as he heard footsteps get closer.

Standing up, San saw someone coming in, the mirror in the front of the store showing the back of the head of the person. Going the opposite way, San knew what he had to do. Sneaking up on them, San jumped on them, throwing them to the ground as the person gasped in shock.

Holding his knife, San went for it, but he froze as he recognized the person struggling for his life underneath him.

It was his ex fling, Wooyoung.

Wooyoung's hair was battered, his face dirty and his eyes red and teary as he brought his hands up, shielding himself as he trembled underneath San. They ended off on bad terms as San was dared by his friends to find a way to have sex with Wooyoung, as Wooyoung was a hard man to please; and was definitely hard to get.

San, being immature back then, listened to his friends. However, San couldn't lie to himself, he fell hard for Wooyoung. But Wooyoung was smart, and he found out about San's plan and what his friends set him up to do. But it was too late. They already had sex.

And San was too late too, as Wooyoung left him. Blocked him on everything as he disappeared from San's life without a trace.

Wooyoung opened his eyes, wanting to see who was about to kill him, but his eyes widened, and he only cried harder. San couldn't move, he couldn't bring down the knife as he looked at the man he loved so much, but also broke.

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