my baby.

509 61 34

fantasias pov| 9:56 A.M.

taraji left to go get me some more snacks from the store since i ate all of the ones she bought yesterday - well, we both ate them. beyoncé and her friend, im assuming, stopped by my room seconds after taraji left, almost as if they watched her leave.

"im fantasia."

"onika." she took my hand in hers.

"this is my girlfriend." beyoncé introduced onika.

"oh ok well its nice to meet you."

"likewise." onika responded.

"so, what brings you guys by?"

"girl, the results."

"um, i can't give you an answer yet. maybe later, but not now."

"ok, so would you like to go shopping with us?"

"im sorry, what?" onika snapped her neck to beyoncé before rolling her eyes.

"nicki, dont start that bullshit."

"no, you and i were supposed to be going shopping."

"its fine, bey i dont-"

"bey? im the only one that calls you that."


"are you two fucking?" she now had her attention on me.

"what? no. i have a gi-"

"i didn't ask you that."

"and she also didn't ask you to be up in her face. i suggest you back up midget." taraji walked in using the keycard. she had snacks for days.

"and who the fuck is you?"

taraji chuckled before looking back at onika.

"im taraji."

"i dont care for your name, bird brain."

"you asked who i was. did you not?"

"no bitch i asked who were you."

"bitch huh? ok, since you wanna know who i am so bad, im T." she pulled a gun from her sweatpants.

oh God...

bey and onika stood there with wide eyes. i could see their chest rising up and down at a fast pace.

"you're scaring them." i whispered. she just shrugged her shoulders.

"you dont look so tough now, do you?" she walked towards onika, but she backed up until her back was to the bathroom door.

"i-im sorry."

"too late for that." she aimed the gun at her head, and it clicked, but no bullet came out. "lil scary ass it aint even loaded." t chuckled walking away. the clip was in her pocket filled with bullets.

"you're crazy. bey let's go."

"thank you. anyway, i went and got a heap of sh-"

"this my number. i wanna talk." beyoncé spoke, leaving her number with taraji.

"nah, im good."

"you might be, but you'll be even better afterward. hit my phone or that address."

she and onika left. i could tell t was thinking about if she should go or not.

"ima hit her up. how you feeling, though?"

"good. i haven't been to the bathroom barf, so that's a great thing."

falling for you. | tarasia Where stories live. Discover now