(Season 2) Chapter 3: Parenting Difficulties

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As it reaches a weekend a few days after the Lunar Crescents first game, Daniel was at the public soccer field training one early morning at 8:00 AM, as he takes a break, he decides to call Yune to ask her what she's up to. While they talk, Yune sometimes cuts off her own sentences saying things like, "Don't touch that!" Or, "Get off that!" Every time that happened, Daniel would hear it and after a while, he questioned it.

"Oh, I'm taking care of my cousin for today."

Daniel offers to help Yune and she thanks him, they end the call and Daniel wraps up training for the day and goes back to his house to take a shower.

Daniel finishes getting dressed and leaves to go to Yune's apartment, Daniel knocks on the door and a few seconds later, Yune opens the door.


"Hi~! I missed you!"

Yune hugged Daniel tightly, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Come on, she's in the living room, you should go and say hi!"

Yune brings Daniel to the living room where Rosa is sitting down on the carpet assembling a train track that Yune found in her old toys.


"Awww... look at that! She remembers you!"

Rosa walks over to Daniel and lightly gives him a small gesture, wanting a small handshake. Daniel would comply and Rosa would go back to assembling a toy train.

"We need to keep watch of her so she doesn't destroy anything."


"Wait, has she had breakfast?"

"No, why?"

"Keep watch of her, I'll handle breakfast."

"You can cook?"

"It's a small skill I picked up in the time between the first day of school and our first soccer match."

Daniel would then go into the kitchen and start preparing breakfast while Yune kept an eye on Rosa. Daniel would fortunately find a fully stocked fridge, with meats, vegetables, and even a few treats and desserts. With a wide range of foods to work with, he grabs his ideal foods and starts cooking.

While Daniel was cooking, Yune kept watch over Rosa. After around 5 minutes, Yune could smell various foods from the kitchen but she couldn't make out what Daniel was cooking. Her thoughts were interrupted as Rosa asked Yune for something.

"Yune, can I use your phone?"

"Okay, but please be careful."

Yune gives Rosa her phone and sits down on the couch reading a book, but she could still smell the appetite-inducing fragrance of what Daniel was cooking, it was driving her crazy, she was so curious to figure out what Daniel was cooking.

Around 10 minutes later, Daniel brings out the food, and sets the table, Yune runs up to the table to satisfy her curiosity.

"Ooh! Omelette and bacon!"

Daniel brings plates and utensils to the table and asks Yune to help her set it up, Yune obliges and they set up the table, afterwards, calling Rosa to eat breakfast.

As they ate, everyone was talking, bringing liveliness to the table and Rosa even shared a story of their own. After the meal, Daniel cleans up the table and washes the dishes. Eventually, Yune and Daniel were asked by a bored Rosa to play a game with them. Everything was going perfectly fine, but Daniel then left to run a few errands that his mom asked of him.

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