(Season 2) Chapter 18: The Lunar Festival! Reconciliation.

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A singular day after the conclusion to the Academy Ace Tournament, Daniel and Yune return to their classrooms to celebrate the Lunar Festival.

But neither chose to participate in helping with their classroom, they chose instead to spend time with their friends.

"I heard! Congrats!"

"Thanks! It was really hard fought."

"I heard about your win!"

"Calm down, it wasn't that big."

"Oh come on! Quit your modesty! You put an end to a 5 year reign that not even the teachers thought would end!"

"Yeah! You have every right to be proud!"

Daniel thanks them for their praise and they offer their friends the chance to explore the festival with him and Daniel.

Everyone else agrees to enjoy the festival with them, so they go off on their own, exploring the various stalls and attractions made from the classrooms. While Yune is eating a Candy Apple made by class 8-J, someone walks up to her. It was Grace.

"...Oh, you, what is it?"

Grace sits down next to Yune and begins to talk nervously.

"I'm not really in a position to ask this, but, I'd like to patch things up."

"Let me get this straight," Yune says as she walks them into the stairwell where no one is around. "You kidnapped me, threatened to "dispose" of me, and you think you can just waltz right up to me, and ask for my forgiveness?"

Grace understands, but states that she just wants to try and patch things up and asks Yune to try and just treat her like a friend. Promising that she would get along, so Yune gives her a chance, but says that if she wastes it, she won't get another. They begin to go around the crowded halls and Yune tries her best to treat her like any normal friend of hers. Grace goes around, trying to treat Yune nicely, hoping this will make up for what she did. They go around, buying a few things and actually having a nice talk, laughing and sharing.

"Hahaha! Okay, you convinced me, but Daniel might be a different story. I really don't know, but I'll try to put in a good word for you."

So they keep walking, and a few minutes later, they all meet up again and everyone except Daniel are surprised to see Yune return with someone they don't know.

"Guys, you go on ahead, we need to talk alone."

They leave and Daniel, Yune, & Grace are left in that crowded hallway.

"Are you insane?! Why is she here?!"

"This was a bad idea!"

"Don't worry, Grace. Daniel, don't worry, she's trying to reconcile!"

"*sigh* I- I want to forgive her, sure, but it's not that easy for me."

"How about this, she can stay with us for the day and she can try to change your mind!"

Daniel takes a moment to think, but with Grace imploring him, he agrees, but sets the same conditions as Yune had earlier. If Grace wastes the chance, she won't get another.

So they catch up, and Daniel just stays behind the two, given enough time, Xavier, Rosalina, even Chloe & Lukas can see through whatever façade he puts on to hide his emotions.

While they split off into pairs, those three constantly talk, but although Daniel does wind up convinced, he is still hesitant to expand on their friendship. After all, trust is hard to restore.

"I'm convinced, I'll let you join our group! But if you see me distancing myself from you sometimes, don't take it personally."

"I get it, trust can't be rebuilt that easily. I'm surprised Yune didn't have that same reaction, she was the victim."

"Thanks, come on, the fireworks might start soon!"

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