absolutely fucked (part 1)

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Taylor’s POV

Unbuttoning one extra button of my shirt before I left for the day was highly unprofessional, but that didn’t stop me. When your boss was as sexy as Travis Kelce and you saw his eyes linger, you gave him something to look at. Just a hint, a tease. It wasn’t anything serious.

When I arrived at the office, I was early. Travis was always in a few minutes before eight, so I made a point to be in a few minutes before that. I got things set up and his schedule double checked to make it easier for myself. Being his assistant was easy enough, but he was serious about his business and didn’t take well to things not going the way they were supposed to. I knew that; I’d seen him snap at other people.

“Good morning Mr Kelce.” I said automatically when the office door opened five minutes later.

“Morning.” My boss’ smooth, velvety voice replied. “Did you have a good wee-kend?” There was a slight pause in that last word that made me look up, and I blushed a little when I saw his eyes directed to the extra inch of cleavage I hadn’t covered up today.

“Yes.” I whispered, and his eyes flicked up to meet mine. “How was your trip home?” I asked in return as he handed me a pad of paper, notes of things I needed to look over or do. Travis shrugged.

“Uneventful.” He told me. “Take it easy this morning okay? First meeting isn’t until nine thirty and there isn’t much we need to do until afterwards.” I nodded, my gaze following him as he walked over to his desk and sat down.

I turned my attention to the notes he’d given me, sitting down so I could start typing them up into the little to do list I kept on my computer. Travis’ lists weren’t always the most readable, so I always typed them up to make it easier for myself. I teased him endlessly about his handwriting, about the fact that I was the only one who could read it so I often had to help others. He always made a face, but I knew he didn’t mind. 

Just before nine thirty, Travis and I went to the first meeting. I was just there to take extra notes and make sure we got everything, so I sat to the side and took out my notebook as the six people Travis was meeting with started talking. My ears were ready to absorb any information, my pen poised at the ready. The page slowly filled with scribbly notes, but halfway through I was distracted by a faint vibration of my phone in my pocket. I sneakily pulled it out, checking it in my lap.

Matty: didn’t send gorgeous

I sighed to myself. Matty and I weren’t serious, not at all. We were about as casual as you could get. I’d sent him some pictures last night since I was too busy to hook up, but I hadn’t checked they’d gone through.


“What…yes?” My head snapped up and I went red when I saw Travis looking at me.

“The number for the Clien family?” He prompted, asking about the kids involved in the case.

“Umm…” I wracked my brain. “Three. Three kids.”

Travis nodded, turning back to the meeting. I quickly fumbled with my phone, sending the pictures to Matty before looking back up. A second later the distictive ping of Travis’ phone filled the room and he paused, reaching over for it. Everyone took a pause to let him, knowing better than to interrupt.

As Travis checked his phone, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. A moment later he turned to look at me, and my eyes automatically peeked at his screen.


My gaze shot down to my phone, at the pictures I hadn’t sent to Matty. At the pictures I’d sent to Travis. My fucking boss who I wouldn’t say no to if he told me to bend over. Oh, fuck my life.

“My apologies.” Travis turned back to everyone else as I shrank back in my chair, flaming red. “Something’s come up and I have other things to attend to. We can reschedue the rest of this meeting.”

Everyone nodded, moving to get up. I sat there, burning in shame as one person at a time left the room, the last closing the door to leave Travis and I alone. He swivelled his chair around to face me, and I seemed to blush harder as his pale emerald eyes dropped back down to his phone, at the naked pictures of me still open there. I wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. 

“I am so sorry.” I mumbled. “Those were…those were for someone else.”

“I gathered that.” Travis nodded. He was still looking at his phone, eyes locked on his screen.

“Please don't fire me.” I whispered.

“Taylor I'm not going to fire you.” Travis finally tore his eyes away from his phone. “I'm going to tell you that these.” He held up his phone. “These are enough to put a man on his damn knees.”

My heart galloped faster as my eyes widened, staring at me boss. Had he just said that? Yes, yes he had. And he'd said it to my face, eyes locked on mine, serious. He meant it. Oh fuck me.

“Don't act so surprised.” Travis put his phone down and got to his feet, advancing to lean over me. I shivered as his hands grabbed onto the arms of my chair, his body leaning over mine until his lips were no more than three inches from mine. “You'd have to be blind to miss the way I want you.” His breath was warm against my lips and I shivered a second time, clutching onto my notebook for dear life. “Taylor unless you walk out of this room right now…” Travis' eyes searched mine. “I'm going to throw you down on this table and show you what it's like to be fucking worshipped. Nothing like that weak dicked little boy you hookup with.”

For a moment, I considered my options. Leave; be hot and flustered all the time around Travis from now on. Stay; get railed out of my mind.

“I'm staying.” I whispered.

“Good girl.” Travis purred, and I swore to God I almost came at that sound. I couldn't resist this man. He was fucking with my head in the best way and I wanted him to fuck with my body to.

“Fuck.” I breathed.

“Exactly.” Travis murmured, leaning closer to press his lips against my ear. “That's what I'm going to do to you my little slut. I'm going to fuck you. You understand?” I nodded, fingers shaking. “Good girl.” Travis let out his next breath against my neck, pressing a light kiss there. I shuddered, my eyes fluttering closed. “Get up.” Travis growled suddenly. “And strip.”

I paused a moment too long, and his hands were on my waist. “I said stand up.” 

I scrambled to my feet, and Travis stepped back to watch as I started to unbutton my shirt. My hands were shaking so much I could barely manage it, but eventually I did and the look on Travis’ face was well worth it. He looked at me like he was holding himself back, so I quickly undid my skirt and let it drop to the ground. His eyes darkened with just and he perked his chin, demanding more. I swallowed, stripping out of my bra and panties until I wa naked, hair cascading loose down my back like I'd left it this morning.

“Those pictures don't do you justice.” Travis murmured. “You're my slut aren't you?”

“Yes.” I whispered, and then dared to say more. “Call me your slut.” I challenged. “Call me your slut while you fuck me like your slut.”

“Oh, just you wait.” Travis chuckled darkly, rolling up the sleeves of his perfectly ironed shirt. I swallowed as he came closer, taking my chin and lifting it. His lips hovered over mine, teasing. “Slut.” Travis murmured. “A little slut, all for me.”

Then he kissed me, and every thought I'd ever had was wiped from my mind. I forgot who I was, where I was, only that this kiss couldn't be broken. So I wound my arms around Travis' neck and kissed him back, surging forwards and giving him entry so our tongues could battle for more. He won, but I didn't put up much of a fight. I let myself stumble back, hit the side of the table and tumble down. Travis caught me, lowering me against the smooth surface, still fully clothed as his hands slid up my thighs, shoving them apart to bare my slickness to him.

“If only you knew how long I've waited for this.” Travis growled, and them he surged forwards.


Okay so I did write this after a few drinks and yes there will be a part 2 soon, just wanted to post what I've written now <3

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