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title credits: @tayswife1 

Taylor's POV

I hummed to myself as I sat at my piano, fiddling away with some melodies I was working on, scribbling in my notebook as I did so. Travis was out with some of the guys from the team, so I'd taken the opportunity to have a real good session in my studio. I loved having Travis hanging out with me in the studio, but sometimes I needed some time alone to really get stuck in.

I started glancing over at the clock around eleven, knowing that Travis would probably be home said. He'd promised absolutely no later than midnight, and he was never home a minute after the time he'd told me. He was often much earlier. I'd done a lot of work by myself, and now it was the time of night where I really wanted to curl up in Travis' arms and watch a movie and talk to him about our days. 

My phone started ringing at half past eleven and I reached over, putting my pencil down. It was Patrick calling, and I frowned at the screen for a second before answering. I hoped something wasn't wrong.

"Hey." I held the phone to my ear. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, hey Taylor." Patrick said. "Everything's fine. It's just...well..." He chuckled. "Travis is a little more than slightly drunk right now and we don't really want him to get an Uber home on his own. Would you be able to come pick him up?"

"Oh my god." I sighed, smiling to myself as I shook my head. "Yeah, yeah of course. You still at the bar?"

"Yeah, you'll see us."

"Alright, fifteen minutes." I said, and hung up.

Getting to my feet, I closed the piano and left the room, grabbing my car keys and stuffing my feet into the nearest pair of shoes. Locking up the house, I jogged across to my car. It took me just under fifteen minutes to the bar the guys had gone out too, and I sucked in a deep breath before I got out of the car. The paparazzi probably wouldn't have time to make a crowd if I got in and out quick, but who knew how easy Travis would make it for me. He was pretty unpredictable when he was drunk.

Ducking my head as I walked into the bar, I looked around. I located the guys over at a big high table, laughing and talking. Travis seemed to be singing a truly awful duet with another one of the guys, and I laughed as I approached the table. Patrick glanced over.

"Oh hey." He smiled.

"You weren't kidding huh?" I nodded to Travis. 

"Not at all." Patrick chuckled. "He's totally out of it."

"Baby!" Travis had spotted me, and I turned to him as he stumbled over.

"Hey there you." I smiled as he reached out, pulling me into his arms and aiming to kiss me. But he completely missed, his lips nudging the side of my nose instead. I burst out laughing, shaking my head at him. Travis frowned, trying again, but his lips hit my chin. "Alright." I took both of his hands off my waist, squeezing them gently. "Travis, babe, I love your enthusiasm, but we'll be here for a long time if you keep that up."

"No I got it." He grumbled, ducking his head, trying to kiss me a third time. I sighed, lifting my chin so that he actually got it right, and I could taste the alcohol when he kissed me. "See?" Travis smiled. "Got it."

"Yeah, I'm real proud of you." I nodded. "So you want to let me take you home now?"

"No!" Travis threw an arm around my shoulders, delivering a messy kiss to my temple. "No, baby come hang out with us!"

"Travis, babe." I groaned as he tried to lead me over. "Travis you're drunk. Let me take you home." Travis shook his head insistently, but I stood my ground and tugged on his arm, turning him around to face me. "Travis Michael Kelce." I said in a stern, motherly voice that I'd learned to use when he was drunk and wouldn't listen. Travis looked at me, alerted. "I know you're having fun, but this is the end of the night. You are coming home with me right now mister."

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