soon you'll get better

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tw: if you know this song, you know the trigger warnings

Travis' POV

"What am I going to do?" I sobbed into my hands, feeling like my heart was breaking for the hundredth time the same way.

"Travis I don't think there's anything you can do." Andrea rubbed my arm gently, her voice thick with tears as well. My shoulders shook as I cried, unable to stop.

I'd cried for hours and hours over the last year as Taylor's health had declined. But now it looked like I might actually lose her, and I didn't know what to do. My best friend of twenty years, the girl I'd dared to kiss ten years ago, who I'd married three years later. My wife of seven years, who we'd found out had stage four cancer almost a year ago. Our world had collapsed.

I didn't know what I was going to do without her, because we'd come to realize that Taylor wasn't going to make it. She was being really strong about it and I'd tried to hard to be the same, but I was so broken by the thought of life without her. She was the love of my life and I couldn't bear to lose her.

"Travis I know how you feel." Andrea murmured. "But she'll be back any minute and we can't let her see you like this. You know that."

"I know." I sniffed, wiping my eyes. Taylor was having a scan, and I knew she was terrified. This scan would determine whether we had to stop her treatments because there was nothing more we could do.

Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths and tried to compose myself. My wife had been braver than I had throughout this whole thing, and I just had to be better. I was broken down, but she was still fighting. 

A few minutes later, Taylor was wheeled back into the room by her nurse - Isla - with a little forced smile on her lips. Her little scarf was wrapped back around her head, and I couldn't help but manage a smile at my wife. She reached out to me without a moment of hesitation and I took her hands, holding her weight as she stood up. I helped her onto her hospital bed, tucking a blanket around her legs.

"Thank you baby." Taylor whispered, squeezing my hand as I sat down next to her.

"How did it go?" I asked, clutching one of her hands with both of mine.

"You know, normal." Taylor shrugged, her eyes flicking over to her mom. "Mom, can I have a minute alone with Travis?"

"Of course honey." Andrea stood up and kissed Taylor's forehead. "I wanted to grab some lunch anyway."

"Thanks." Taylor smiled sadly, and she waited until her mother had left before turning to me. "Hey you." She whispered.

"Hey sweet girl." I squeezed her hand. 

"I love you." My wife told me, lifting her free hand to touch my cheek.

"I love you too." I sighed, trying not to cry. Taylor pulled me close and kissed me, her lips salty, telling me that she'd been crying. I kissed her back softly, always scared of being too rough. Eventually she sighed, pulling back to look at me, and the expression on her face told me that something was really wrong.

"Travis, I have to tell you something."

"What?" I whispered. "Sweet girl you can tell me anything."

"I know." Taylor sucked in a nervous breath. "Travis I never wanted to tell you this." She mumbled, her eyes teary and ashamed. My heart skipped a beat but I nodded for her to continue. "I..." She sucked in a breath. Then she looked down and blurted it out. "Travis I cheated on you."

I blinked, the words not processing for a few seconds. Then my heart shattered and I dropped Taylor's hand like it had burned me. She swallowed, fiddling with her fingers as I sat back in my chair, staring into space. Taylor had cheated on me. I'd given her twenty years of my life, seven years of marriage, all that time. All of it had fallen apart at some point, and she'd never even told me. She'd sworn I was the love of her life when I hadn't been the only person in her heart.

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