birthday present

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Travis' POV

I'd been planning Taylor's birthday for a while. I always did, but this time, I had something more for her that I hadn't done before.


Neither Taylor or I had seen the young woman since the event her parents had thrown, but I knew Taylor had a soft spot for her. Hell, so did I. We'd never invited someone back into our little sexual games as much as her. And I knew Lila was eager, because she responded almost immediately when I reached out, signing a new NDA and agreeing to the plan I proposed. I always liked to give my wife the best birthday possible, and this year was no different except for the end of the day. Instead of taking her home and ravaging Taylor's body on my own, I'd have Lila to help me.

I constructed the plan with Lila, and when the day of Taylor's birthday came around, we were ready. I made my wife breakfast in bed, and then we went out to see her family and friends for a while. We were out all day, and then it was just her and I for a romantic dinner before Taylor and I came home. I knew Lila would be waiting, ready how I'd told her to be ready for us.

"Today was amazing Travis." Taylor whispered, hanging onto my hand as we walked inside. When I'd locked the front door, she stretched up on her toes and pressed her lips to mine. "Thank you." She breathed. "It was the best birthday ever."

"Not yet baby girl, just you wait." I murmured, and a playful little giggle erupted from my wife in anticipation. "You want to see what else I got you?" I crooned into her ear, and she nodded. "It's on the bed."

Taylor grinned, and I nodded for her to go find her present. She giggled as we went down to the bedroom, and Taylor pushed the door open. Like we'd discussed, Lila was kneeling on our bed, sitting in the middle with her hands in her lap. She had baby pink lingerie on, pink nails to match, and a big pink bow holding half of her luscious brown hair up. Taylor squeaked in surprise, turning to me with elation and delight.

"Happy birthday baby girl." I murmured, dipping down to kiss her shoulder. "Go on, I know you want to." Taylor bit down on a smile as she let go of my hand, walking over to where Lila knelt on the bed.

"Hello again pretty girl." She whispered almost in awe.

"Happy birthday." Lila said quietly, her cheeks flushed. I knew Lila really loved having these experiences with us, and I wasn't annoyed or irritated about it, but I knew she favoured Taylor slightly over me. My wife intrigued her, which I loved. Taylor was as fiercely loyal as anyone could be, but in our little sex games, she loved to explore her attraction to women with my permission.

Taylor looked over at me as if to gauge what would be happening tonight. In answer, I shrugged out of my jacket and then walked over to the cozy chair in the corner, seating myself in it. Taylor's cheeks flushed with delight. She knew what I was giving her. Lila, all to herself. Well, for now. I'd join in later. And it wasn't like I was getting nothing, though I wouldn't have cared either way. I got to watch my wife and our favourite pretty girl together.

"Hmm, I missed you pretty girl." Taylor hummed as she climbed up to kneel next to Lila, angling herself so I could see as much as possible. I knew she'd give me a show on top of enjoying herself, and I could already feel my cock hardening in my pants. Lila let out a little sigh of pleasure as Taylor stroked the brunette's thigh, and as I watched, Lila shifed so that the two women were facing each other. "You look like a little doll all dressed up in pink." Taylor murmured, angling her head slightly to look Lila up and down. "What's my name pretty girl?" She asked, meeting Lila's chocolate brown eyes.

"Taylor." Lila whispered.

"Hmm, good girl." Taylor reached out and thumbed Lila's lower lip. "I want you to remember that when I've got you on your back screaming, okay pretty girl? Remember my name?" Lila swallowed, nodded.

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